

Study on water supply dispatching rules of reservoir group diversion with interval water priority


[目的]随着跨流域调水工程不断地发展与完善,没有调节能力的闸坝逐渐与水库共同参与到调度中来,对需要考虑多流域丰枯特性和多水库调节能力的调度规则制订提出了更大的挑战.[方法]为此,提出在调水中相对于水库优先利用区间水的原则,以此构建系统总弃水量最小的调度模型,利用改进的遗传算法求解得到调度规则.并且,以石湖-龙湾-碧流河水库与黑鱼汀闸坝联合的引洋入连引调水工程作为研究实例进行对比.[结果]结果显示,相比于常规调度,优先利用区间水的调度规则方案规避了系统深度破坏,满足95%保证率的城市供水需求,多年平均引水量增加了0.79亿m3,系统年均弃水量减少了 2.1亿m3.[结论]该研究方法较好地提高了区间水的利用率及系统的用水效率,可为有闸坝参与的跨流域调水系统的调度提供科学参考和技术支撑.

[Objective]With the development and improvement of cross-basin water transfer project,sluice dams without regula-ting capacity gradually participate in the operation together with reservoirs,which poses a greater challenge to the formulation of operation rules considering the abundant and dry characteristics of multi-basin and regulating capacity of multi-reservoirs.[Methods]This paper proposes the principle of prioritizing the use of interval water relative to reservoirs in water transfer,so as to construct the dispatching model with the minimum total abandoned water in the system,and obtain the dispatching rules by the improved genetic algorithm.In addition,taking Shihu-Longwan-Biliuhe Reservoir and Haiyuting Dam as a case study,the pro-ject of connecting the ocean to the water transfer is compared.[Results]The dispatching rule of preferential utilization of water in the interval avoids the deep damage of the system and meets the urban water supply demand with 95%guarantee rate,compared with conventional dispatching.The annual average water diversion increases by 79 million m3,and the annual average water abandonment decreases by 210 million m3.[Conclusion]It improves the utilization rate of the interval water in the upstream sec-tion of sluice dam and the water efficiency of the system.This research provides scientific reference and technical support for the operation of cross-basin water transfer system with sluice dam.


大连理工大学 水利工程学院,辽宁大连 116024辽宁省水利水电勘测设计研究院有限责任公司,辽宁沈阳 110006



reservoir operationdispatch rulesluice damreservoir groupinterval water utilizationgenetic algorithm

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (001)


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