

Empirical Study on Educational Mathematics under the Guidance of Mathematical Key Competencies


教育数学实验是中国教育改革的重要组成部分,学生的数学学科核心素养发展状况是其改革实验效果的重要衡量指标之一.研究选取初中数学核心素养评价框架,对邛崃市教育数学实验进行评价研究,分析该实验对学生数学核心素养发展的影响.基于所选框架对该市 2017 级初三第二次诊断试卷考查的数学核心素养进行分类.根据学生核心素养的得分,对比分析该市 3 672 名初三学生与 93 名教育数学实验班学生数学核心素养的发展状况.研究发现:该市初三学生的整体数学核心素养发展不平衡,特别是在数学建模、逻辑推理素养上不合格比例较高;教育数学体系下的实验组核心素养发展情况普遍优于该市整体水平,且其发展更为均衡.结论说明教育数学可促进学生数学核心素养的普遍均衡发展,实验风险可控,适合大规模普及.

Educational Mathematics experiments play an important role in the educational reform of China,and the development of students'mathematical key competencies is regarded as one of the significant indicators of the effectiveness of the reform experiments.In this paper,an evaluation framework of mathematical key competencies for middle school students is selected to evaluate the Educational Mathematics experiment conducted in Qionglai City,and the impact of the experiment on the development of students'mathematical key competencies is analyzed.First,the mathematical key competencies involved in the paper of the second diagnostic test paper for students of Grade 3(i.e.,students enrolled in 2017)are classified according to the selected evaluation framework.Second,based on scores of students'mathematical key competencies,a comparative analysis was conducted on the development of mathematics key competencies among 3 672 junior high school students and 93 students in educational mathematics experimental classes in the city.The results show that:city's overall key mathematics competencies development among junior high school students is unbalanced,especially on aspects of mathematical modeling competency and logical reasoning competency;however,the development of the mathematical key competencies of the students from the experimental class is more balanced,and generally better than the overall level of the city.In conclusion,Educational Mathematics can promote a balanced development of students'mathematical key competencies,the experimental risks are controllable,and the Educational Mathematics is suitable for large-scale popularization.


广州大学 计算科技研究院,广东 广州 510006||广州城市职业学院 信息工程学院,广东 广州 510405邛崃市教研培训中心,四川 成都 611530广州大学 计算科技研究院,广东 广州 510006华中师范大学 数学与统计学学院,湖北 武汉 430070



mathematical key competenciesEducational Mathematicsteaching reformevaluation study

《数学教育学报》 2024 (001)

21-27 / 7

