

Practice Guideline for the Value Evaluation of Clinical Pharmacy Services(First Edition)


目的 为评价临床药学服务价值提供较为全面的评估体系,为改进和优化临床药学服务提供指导.方法 采用世界卫生组织(WHO)指南制定手册进行指南的研究设计.采用德尔菲法确定临床问题,通过系统检索,秘书组广泛收集相关问题已有的循证证据,完成系统评价、证据分级,撰写证据总结,由写作组根据秘书组的分析报告具体撰写指南.采用澳大利亚Jonana Briggs循证卫生保健中心(JBI)证据级别系统和WHO 2004 年推荐分级的评估、制定与评价系统(GRADE)对该指南进行证据质量分级,通过德尔菲法对推荐意见及证据级别达成共识,最终形成《临床药学服务价值评价实践指南》(第一版).结果 通过对100余位专家进行问卷调研,德尔菲法投票,该指南拟纳入临床药学价值评价指标 23项.将纳入的指标相关内容按照纳入文献的人群、干预措施、对照和结局原则进行检索,并进行系统评价、Meta分析、网状Meta分析以及相关原始研究.每项检索策略经指南指导委员会审定,确定临床药学价值评价的推荐意见 20 项.结论 该指南提供了一套衡量临床药学服务质量和效益的指标体系,对于改进和提升医疗机构临床药学服务具有重要意义.

Objective To provide a comprehensive evaluation framework for assessing the value of clinical pharmacy services,and to offer guidance for improving and optimizing the provision of clinical pharmacy services.Methods The World Health Organization(WHO)handbook for guideline development were used for the research design of the evaluation system guide-lines.The Delphi method was used to identify clinical questions.The secretariat conducted systematic searches and collected existing evidence for the identified questions.Systematic reviews and evidence grading were performed,and evidence summaries were crea-ted.Based on the analysis report from the secretariat,the writing group developed specific guidelines.The Australian Joanna Briggs Evidence Level System,and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment,Development,and Evaluation(GRADE)system recom-mended by the World Health Organization in 2004 were used to grade the quality of evidence for this guideline.Consensus on recom-mendations and evidence grading was reached through a Delphi process.Finally,the practice Guidelines for the Value Evaluation of Clinical Pharmacy Services(First Edition)were established.Results More than 100 experts participated in the voting process by the Delphi method,and 23 value indicators for assessing the value of clinical pharmacy were included in the guidelines.The in-cluded indicators were searched and relevant systematic reviews,meta-analyses,network meta-analyses,and original studies were i-dentified following the PICO principle.The Guideline Development Committee reviewed each search strategy.Consensus was reached on the definition and content of the included indicators,and 20 recommendations for the value assessment of clinical phar-macy were determined.Conclusion This guideline provides a set of indicators for measuring the quality and effectiveness of clinical pharmacy services,which is of great significance for improving the quality of clinical pharmacy services.


中华医学会临床药学分会,成都 610072



Clinical pharmacyPharmaceutical servicesValue evaluationGuideline

《医药导报》 2024 (003)

321-333 / 13


