

Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies for Severe Tumors in the Elderly


重症肿瘤不是指终末期肿瘤,而是指因各种急、慢性合并疾病或肿瘤本身原因或治疗不良事件所导致的患者体力状况(PS)评分阶段性地处于 2~4 分,但是存在极大可能性通过动态精准检测,结合现有生命支持技术和肿瘤治疗手段协同处理后,得到生存获益和(或)PS评分改善的肿瘤患者.老年肿瘤患者常合并一种或多种慢性疾病,治疗耐受性较差,依从性不佳,且其治疗方案缺乏高质量循证医学证据,更易发展为重症肿瘤.老年重症肿瘤的管理基于 3 种基本诊疗技术:动态精准检测、强大的生命支持技术和巧妙应用现阶段抗肿瘤治疗手段.具体临床实践中,应该针对不同瘤种特点采用以下灵活、个体化的诊疗策略,包括"癌病同治""基于PS评分的抗肿瘤药物升降级""动态精准检测""巧妙联合、增效减毒""全局观""老年用药,安全优先"和"多学科参与,个体化、综合化治疗"等.该文介绍老年重症肿瘤概念和管理理念,旨在提高其识别率,为临床实践提供可行的指导.

Patients with severe tumors do not refer to the patients with end-stage tumors,but rather to the patients with a performance status(PS)score between 2 and 4 in certain stages due to various reasons,such as acute or chronic comorbidities,tumor itself,or treatment-related adverse events.To these patients,there is a high probability of achieving survival benefit and/or improvement in PS scores after synergistic management of available life-support technologies and anti-tumor therapies based on dynamic and precise testing.Elderly patients with tumors frequently present with one or more chronic illnesses and have poor toler-ance and compliance to treatment.Moreover,their treatment regimens often lack high-quality clinical evidence,making them more susceptible to developing severe tumors.The management of severe tumors in the elderly is based on three basic diagnosis and treatment technologies:dynamic and precise detection,powerful life support technologies,and skillful application of current anti-tumor treatments.In specific clinical practice,the following 7 flexible and individualized treatment strategies should be adopted for different tumor types:1.concurrent management of cancer and comorbidities,2.upgrading and downgrading of anti-tumor drugs based on PS score,3.dynamic accurate detection,4.skillful combinations for increasing efficacy and reducing toxicity,5.complete overview,paying equal attention to systemic therapy and local therapy,6.safety first in medication for the elderly,7.multi-discipli-nary participation,individualized and comprehensive treatment.This article introduced the concept of severe tumors in the elderly and the associated management strategies,to increase awareness and provide feasible guidance for clinical practice.


呼吸疾病国家重点实验室,呼吸疾病国家临床研究中心,广州呼吸健康研究院,前沿交叉学科研究中心重点实验室,广州医科大学附属第一医院呼吸与危重症医学科,广州 510120



Severe tumorsElderly patientsDiagnosis and treatment strategy

《医药导报》 2024 (003)

365-373 / 9


