

Global energy transition:a twisting path



In 2023,the global economy faces the test of recovery after the pandemic,and the global oil and gas market presents such four"changes"and five"constants"as no change in the main body of production in the global oil market,the"OPEC+"production reduction mechanism stilling playing a role,the oil price system still dominated by Brent and WTI,and the trend of low-carbon and green energy transition as well as great changes presented by the global oil and gas supply direction and market,the global energy geopolitical pattern,the influence of the United States in the global oil and gas industry,the international community's attention on the security of energy supply,and the more low-carbon and green psychology of global energy consumption.In 2024,the global oil and gas market will usher in a new scenario full of challenges and opportunities under the influence of climate change,economic recovery,the vigorous development of new energy sources,and the sudden emergence of localized geopolitical events and other factors.




energy transitionoil and gas marketsOPEC+energy geopoliticsUkraine issue

《国际石油经济》 2024 (001)

17-24 / 8
