首页|期刊导航|海南医学院学报|lncRNA MAFG-AS1在癌症中的研究进展


Advances of lncRNA MAFG-AS1 in cancer


近年来随着医疗技术的发展,癌症的检出率越来越高,患病群体年轻化.许多研究开始着手于癌症的早期诊断、预后监测标志物、发生机制及耐药性相关方面的研究.近几年,随着生信技术的发展,lncRNA逐渐引起研究者们的注意,越来越多的研究表明,长链非编码 RNA(lncRNA)在癌症进展过程中负责多种生物学功能.尤其lncRNA MAFG-AS1已被证实与多种癌症相关,具有致癌基因的功能,并与不良的临床特征和预后显著相关.本文就lncRNA MAFG-AS1在癌症中研究进展作一综述,希望能为日后临床上癌症的诊断及治疗提供一定的帮助.

In recent years,with the development of medical technology,the detection rate of cancer is getting higher and higher,and the population of patients is getting younger.Many studies have begun to study the early diagnosis,prognostic moni-toring markers and pathogenesis of cancer.In recent years,with the development of bioinformatics technology,lncRNA have grad-ually attracted the attention of researchers.More and more studies have shown that lncRNA are responsible for various biological functions in the process of cancer progression.lncRNA MAFG-AS1 has been shown to be associated with multiple cancers,func-tion as an oncogene,and is significantly associated with poor clinical features and prognosis.This article reviews the research prog-ress of lncRNA MAFG-AS1 in cancer,hoping to provide some help for the future clinical diagnosis and treatment of cancer.


海南省人民医院 海南医学院附属海南医院 消化内科,海南 海口 570311海南医学院,海南 海口 571199海南省人民医院 海南医学院附属海南医院 感染科,海南 海口 570311


癌症lncRNA MAFG-AS1诊断预后耐药性

CancerLncRNA MAFG-AS1DiagnosisPrognosisDrug resistance

《海南医学院学报》 2024 (004)

309-314 / 6

This study was supported by Hainan Province Higher Education Science Research Project(Hnky2020ZD-15)海南省高等学校科学研究项目(Hnky2020ZD-15)

