

Genetic Analysis of Plant Height and Allelic Variation of SD1 in Oryza glumaepatula


为了探究SSSL-B50和华粳籼74(HJX74)株高差异的原因,利用SSSL-B50与HJX74回交构建F2群体进行株高性状遗传分析与基因定位.结果显示,F1植株表现为高秆;260个单株组成的F2群体株高出现分离,高秆植株与半矮秆植株分离比例符合3:1(x2=0.18<3.84),说明SSSL-B50高秆性状为显性性状,受1对显性等位基因控制.利用IciMapping软件对F2进行连锁分析,将SSSL-B50携带的高秆基因定位在1号染色体代换片段上的标记S18和X161之间38.38~39.07 Mb.候选基因筛选分析发现,定位区间内存在着"绿色革命"基因座位SD1.对展颖野生稻、SSSL-B50及HJX74进行SD1基因测序及序列比对,发现HJX74的CDS序列与展颖野生稻、SSSL-B50相比有280 bp的缺失,导致氨基酸编码提前终止.qRT-PCR结果表明,SD1表达量在SSSL-B50茎秆的第2,3,4节均显著高于HJX74.此外,与前人报道结果相比,展颖野生稻SD1基因编码的氨基酸序列发生了2处改变(E100G、Q339R).研究结果弄清楚了展颖野生稻单片段代换系SSSL-B50高秆性状受SD1调控,同时从展颖野生稻鉴定到了SD1的新等位型SD1Glu.

In order to investigate the reasons for the differences in plant height between SSSL-B50 and HJX74,an F2 population was constructed by backcrossing SSSL-B50 with HJX74 for genetic analysis and gene map-ping of the plant.The genetic analysis showed that F,plants exhibited tall plant height.And the separation ratio within F2 was 3:1(x2=0.18<3.84)between the tall plant individuals and the semi-dwarf ones,which indicated that the tall plant height of SSSL-B50 was a dominant trait.Based on the linkage analysis between the marker genotypes and pheno-types of plant height in the F2 population,the gene controlling tall plant height was mapped between markers S18 and X161 within the 38.38-39.07 Mb interval of the substituted segment on chromosome 1.Moreover,it was found that the known gene of"Green revolution",SD1,fell to the mapping interval.Through amplification and sequence alignment of SD1 gene in Oryza glumaepatula,SSSL-B50,and HJX74,it showed that a 280 bp deletion in CDS in HJX74 compared with Oryza glumaepatula and SSSL-B50.The qRT-PCR results showed that the expression level of SD1 was significantly higher in the second,third,and fourth sections of SSSL-B50 stem than in HJX74.The comparison of the SD1 gene se-quence of Oryza glumaepatula with the previous reported results showed that the base substitutions occurred at two sites(E100G,Q339R)in the encoded amino acid.The results revealed that the tall plant height of SSSL-B50 was controlled by SD1.Furthermore,a new allelic type of SD1,SD1 Glu,was identified in Oryza glumaepatula.


华南农业大学农学院,广东省植物分子育种重点实验室,广东广州 510642



Oryza glumaepatulaPlant heightSingle segment substitution lineGene mappingAllelic type

《华北农学报》 2024 (001)

18-26 / 9


