

Effects of Exogenous Calcium Addition on Soil Carbon Sequestration Potential of Organic Amendments in Improving Coastal Saline-Alkali Soil


[目的]研究外源钙添加对有机物料改良滨海盐碱土过程中土壤CO2 排放和土壤碳库的影响,以期为滨海盐碱土的改良利用与固碳潜力提升提供理论依据.[方法]采用室内培养试验,在施用玉米秸秆生物炭+鸡粪(BM)以及水稻秸秆+鸡粪(SM)的基础上,以氢氧化钙和硅酸钙作为钙源,按照等钙量原则,分别设置了 6种处理:不施用硅酸钙和氢氧化钙(CK)、施用 12.4 g·kg-1 硅酸钙(Ca1)、施用 24.8 g·kg-1 硅酸钙(Ca2)、施用 7.9 g·kg-1 氢氧化钙(Ca3)、施用 15.8 g·kg-1 氢氧化钙(Ca4)以及施用 12.4 g·kg-1 硅酸钙+7.9 g·kg-1 氢氧化钙(Ca5),进行 1个月的培养试验.[结果]培养期间外源钙的添加能显著降低CO2 累积排放;有机物料的施用会导致土壤有机碳(SOC)的损失,外源钙的添加不会显著影响SOC矿化但会导致土壤无机碳(SIC)含量显著增加,从而弥补SOC的损失,增加土壤的总碳量,实现土壤固碳的目的,适当增加氢氧化钙的添加量对固碳量有促进作用;外源钙添加导致的减排作用主要是通过增加吸收矿化产生的CO2,并转化为碳酸钙的形式而固定.[结论]在改良盐碱土的过程中,有机物料配施硅酸钙和氢氧化钙的改良措施能实现土壤固碳减排.

[Objective]This study aims to investigate the effects of exogenous calcium addition on soil CO2 emission and soil carbon pool of organic amendment in improving coastal saline-alkali soil,so as to provide the theoretical basis for the improvement and utilization of coastal saline-alkali soil and the enhancement of carbon sequestration potential.[Method]In an indoor incubation experiment,the corn straw biochar + chicken manure(BM),and rice straw + chicken manure(SM)were respectively applied to the coastal saline-alkali soil.Calcium hydroxide and calcium silicate were used as calcium sources.Six treatments were established according to the principle of equal calcium content:no exogenous calcium application(CK),12.4 g·kg-1 calcium silicate application(Ca1),24.8 g·kg−1 calcium silicate application(Ca2),7.9 g·kg−1 calcium hydroxide application(Ca3),15.8 g·kg−1 calcium hydroxide application(Ca4),12.4 g·kg−1 calcium silicate and 7.9 g·kg−1 calcium hydroxide application(Ca5).All the calcium concentrations were added to the soil,and the incubation experiment lasted for one month.[Result]The results showed that the addition of exogenous calcium significantly reduced cumulative CO2 emission during the incubation period.The application of organic amendments led to the loss of SOC(soil organic carbon),while exogenous calcium addition did not significantly affect SOC mineralization but significantly increased SIC(soil inorganic carbon)content,thereby compensating for the loss of SOC and increasing the total carbon content in the soil,achieving the goal of soil carbon sequestration.Proper increase in the amount of calcium hydroxide was able to promote carbon sequestration.The emission reduction was mainly achieved by increasing the absorption of CO2 produced during mineralization and converting it into the form of calcium carbonate for fixation.[Conclusion]The above results indicate that the combination of organic amendments with calcium silicate and calcium hydroxide can effectively achieve soil carbon sequestration and emission reduction during the improvement of saline-alkali soil.


南京林业大学南方现代林业协同创新中心 南京林业大学林学院 南京 210037



saline-alkali soilCO2soil carbon sequestrationsoil inorganic carbon

《林业科学》 2024 (002)

32-41 / 10

江苏省 2022 年度碳达峰碳中和科技专项资金项目(BE2022305);国家自然科学青年科学基金项目(41801073);中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2020M671508);南京林业大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目.

