

Application of scenario simulation teaching combined with reflection prompting card under 3C guidance feedback in'introduction of nursing'


目的 探讨 3C引导性反馈下情境模拟教学联合反思提示卡应用于护理学导论中的效果.方法 选取 2022级护理本科新生为研究对象,按班级随机抽取 4 个班为对照组(195名),4个班为观察组(193名),在《护理学导论》课程教学中,对照组采用传统教学法;观察组采用 3C引导性反馈下情境模拟教学联合反思提示卡.评估 2组理论测试成绩、学习积极主动性得分和观察组对联合教学的效果评价.结果 教学后观察组的理论测试成绩、学习积极主动性较对照组高(P<0.05).观察组学生对联合教学效果总体评价较好.结论 在护理学导论中应用 3C引导性反馈下情境模拟教学联合反思提示卡,有利于提高学生的学习趣味性和学习积极主动性,利于学生临床思维能力的训练,进而提高学习效果.

Objective To explore the effect of scenario simulation teaching combined with reflection prompting card under 3C guidance feedback in the'Introduction of Nursing'.Methods Four classes of nursing freshmen in grade 2022 were selected and randomly divided into control group(n=195)and experimental group(n=193).The control group adopted the traditional teaching method,while the experimental group scenario simulation teaching combined with reflection prompting card under 3C guidance feedback in the course of'Introduction of Nursing'.Theoretical test score and learning initiative score of the two groups were compared and the effect evaluation of the experimental group on the joint teaching mode was collected.Results Theoretical test score and learning initiative score in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).Students in the experimental group were satisfied with the joint teaching.Conclusion The application of scenario simulation teaching combined with reflection prompt card under 3C guidance feedback in the'Introduction of Nursing'is conducive to improving students learning interest,learning initiative and clinical thinking ability,thus improving the learning effect.


遵义医科大学第二附属医院 护理部,贵州 遵义 563000遵义医科大学 护理学院,贵州 遵义 563000||遵义医科大学附属医院 护理部,贵州 遵义 563000遵义医科大学第二附属医院 护理部,贵州 遵义 563000||遵义医科大学 护理学院,贵州 遵义 563000



3C guidance feedbackscenario simulationreflectionautonomous learning ability

《护理学报》 2024 (003)

21-24 / 4


