

Review and consideration of flood control and management practice in Taihu Lake Basin


太湖流域是典型低洼感潮平原河网地区,一直受洪涝灾害威胁.新中国成立后,经过多年建设,太湖流域初步建立了流域防洪减灾体系,成功应对了多场次洪水.回顾新中国成立以来太湖流域防洪治理历程和方略,可分为"分散治水、一轮治太、二轮治太"3 个阶段,总结了3 个阶段的人水关系,以及历经实践形成的"蓄泄兼筹、洪涝兼治,高低分开、分层设防,引排结合、综合治理"防洪治理方略.同时,采用水文统计及数学模型模拟等方法,研究了当前流域高度城镇化和气候变化背景下面临的防洪新形势,剖析了流域防洪面临的人水地矛盾突出、防洪焦点由太湖转化为河网、区域短历时降雨影响加剧和周边潮位呈波动上升趋势等新问题,探讨了新时期太湖流域韧性防洪减灾体系的设想,包括深化人水和谐理念、强化"四个转变"治理思路、采用"蓄泄兼筹、洪涝并治,分区扩排、两网统筹,多措协同、智慧管控"治理策略等.研究成果可为新时期太湖流域防洪治理提供参考.

Taihu Lake Basin is a typical low-lying tidal plain river network area,which is constantly threatened by flood disas-ters.Since the founding of the People's Republic of China,Taihu Lake Basin has undergone years of construction,a flood control and disaster reduction system for Taihu Lake Basin has been preliminarily established,and it has successfully fought against sever-al floods.In this paper,we systematically summarized the course and strategies of flood control in Taihu Lake Basin since the foun-ding of P.R.China.It is divided into three stages:decentralized water control,the first round of treatment,and the second round of treatment.We also summarized the human-water relationship in these three stages,and reviewed the flood control strategy of"considering both storage and discharge,treating flood and waterlogging synchronously,separating high floods from low floods,de-fending flood by different subzones,combining water diversion and drainage,taking comprehensive governance".Furthermore,we studied the new situation of flood control under the background of high urbanization and climate change using hydrological statis-tics and mathematical model simulations.We identified new problems in flood control,such as the prominent contradiction between people and water,a shift in flood control focus from Taihu Lake to the river network,the intensifying impact of regional short-du-ration rainfall,and a fluctuating upward trend in surrounding tidal levels.Suggestions are also proposed for Taihu Lake Basin to implement basin flood control in the new period.Taihu Lake Basin should build resilient flood control and disaster mitigation sys-tems,continue to adhere to the concept of human-water harmony,explore the"four changes"governance ideas,and improve management strategies,including comprehensively utilizing storage and discharge,governing flood and inundation together,expan-ding drainage capacity by every hydraulic subzone,integrating shipping networks with water conservancy networks,implementing multiple measures and intelligent control.The research results can provide a reference for future flood control management in Taihu Lake Basin.


太湖流域管理局水利发展研究中心,上海 200433||水利部太湖流域水治理重点实验室,上海 200433



flood control and managementflood disastersflood control and disaster reduction systemTaihu Lake Basin

《人民长江》 2024 (002)

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