

Analysis of Inheritance and Evolution of Triple Energizer Theory



As the morphological structure of triple energizer is ambiguous,and there are many variations and concurrent symptoms,successive generations of medicalscholars have different opinions on triple energizer doctrine.In terms of morphological structure,the medical scholars of the past generations mainly inherit the theory of triple energizer as"having appellation and substance"in The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine and the theory of triple energizer as"having appellation but no substance"in Classic of Questioning,on the basis of which they evolve the doctrines of lipid membrane,cavity,cavity mansion,oil membrane,membrane cavity,striae and so on,and analyze the morphology and structure of triple energizer combined with modern medicine.In terms of function,from"the official of determination","the crucial viscera",and"an organ of conduction and digestion"in the The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine to"the source of qi diverging from triple energizer"in the Classic of Questioning,most of the medical scholars of the past generations have discussed the relevance of triple energizer to ying-wei,Shaoyang,the five viscera,the vital phase fire,and the warm diseases,based on the qi-transformation function of triple energizer.


广州中医药大学第二临床医学院,广东广州 510405南方医科大学南方医院古中医科,广东广州 510610



triple energizerThe Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal MedicineClassic of QuestioningTreatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseaseswarm diseases

《山东中医杂志》 2024 (001)

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