

Interpretation of Compatibility Principle of Lingzhu Decoction(苓术汤)and Fuhe Decoction(和汤)Based on Yun-Qi Configuration



Sanyin Sitian Formula,established by CHEN Wuze,is the representative of the"prescription of Yun-qi"in traditional Chinese medicine based on the theory of"five evolutive phases and six climatic factors".This article takes the rule of the compatibility of five flavors as the breakthrough point,combines Yun-qi configuration and related materia medica literature,and explores the similarities and differences between Lingzhu Decoction(苓术汤)in Liuren Year and Fuhe Decoction(敷和汤)in Sihai Year.It can be seen that both prescriptions are suitable for the Yun-qi configuration of wood hyperactivity and earth deficiency,and can achieve the effect of strengthening the spleen and dehumidifying and restoring the qi ascending and descending.However,the two prescriptions focus on different pathogenesis.Lingzhu Decoction is mainly designed forexcessive wood and flirting wind,deficient earth and predominant dampness,the treat-ment method is to calm the liver qi to prevent excessive liver wind and to invigorate the spleen and remove dampness.Fuhe Decoction is mainly designed for mutual fanning of wind and fire,earth dampness and water deficiency.The treatment method is to reduce wind and fire,remove dampness and invigorate the kidney.At the time of diagnosis,the prescription should be selected according to the different pathogenesis.


山东中医药大学中医学院,山东济南 250355



Huangdi's Canon of Internal Medicinefive evolutive phases and six climatic factorsSanyin Sitian Formulacompatibility of five flavorsLingzhu DecoctionFuhe Decoctionwood hyperactivity and earth deficiency

《山东中医杂志》 2024 (001)

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