Effect of Gluten Treated with Cold Plasma on Quality Properties of Chicken Gel
以鸡肉为原料,向其添加不同功率(350、500、650、800、950 W)冷等离子体处理的面筋蛋白,制得鸡肉糜凝胶,探究不同处理面筋蛋白对鸡肉糜凝胶蒸煮损失、保水性、流变特性、质构、化学作用力、微观结构和水分迁移等品质特性的影响.结果表明:添加冷等离子体处理的面筋蛋白均可提高凝胶的保水性、降低蒸煮损失,650 W时保水性最高为 96.47%、蒸煮损失最低为 5.43%,与其它组相比均差异显著(P<0.05);面筋蛋白的添加显著提高了凝胶不易流动水的比例(P<0.05),降低了自由水的比例,T21、T22 在 0~650 W时向短方向移动,650 W时T21、T22 最短.随冷等离子体处理功率的增加,储能模量G′先升高后下降,650 W时最高;硬度与咀嚼性持续上升,而弹性和回复性先上升后下降,二者均在 650 W时达到最高,分别为 0.954和 0.367;添加冷等离子处理的面筋蛋白提高了凝胶的疏水作用和二硫键.冷等离子体处理的面筋蛋白可提高凝胶的形成能力、改善品质,650 W时凝胶的空间网状结构致密有序,品质最佳.
Gluten was treated by cold plasma with different powers(350~950 W),and then were added to chicken batter,which was used as raw material.The cooking loss,water holding capacity,texture,dynamic rheology,chemical forces,microstructure,water distribution and migration of chicken gel containing cold plasma treatment gluten were analyzed.Results showed that,the addition of cold plasma treated gluten could raise the water holding capacity and reduce cooking loss of the gel.When gluten treated by cold plasma with power of 650 W was added,the water holding capacity of gel reached to the highest(the value was 96.47%)and the cooking loss was the lowest(the value was only 5.43%),either of them was significantly different compared to other groups(P<0.05).With addition of cold plasma treated gluten,the proportion of immobilized water in gel rose significantly while that of free water decreased(P<0.05),and the transverse relaxation time of both T21 and T22 moved in the direction of short relaxation time.And both T21 and T22 reached to the shortest when cold plasma treatment power was 650 W.With the increase of cold plasma treatment power,G'first increased and then decreased,and reached the highest value at 650 W.Additionally,both the hardness and chewiness rose continuously,while both the springiness and resilience increased first and then decreased,and reached the maximum at treatment power level of 650 W,their value was 0.954,and 0.367,respectively.Addition of cold plasma treated gluten could enhance both hydrophobic interaction and disulfide bonds.Addition of cold plasma treated gluten could strengthen gel formation ability and improve the quality of chicken gel.When the cold plasma treatment power was 650 W,the chicken gel was obtained with dense and uniform spatial network structure,and best quality.
河南科技学院食品学院,河南新乡 453003河南科技学院食品学院,河南新乡 453003||国家猪肉加工技术研发专业中心,河南新乡 453003河南科技学院食品学院,河南新乡 453003河南科技学院食品学院,河南新乡 453003河南科技学院食品学院,河南新乡 453003河南科技学院食品学院,河南新乡 453003||国家猪肉加工技术研发专业中心,河南新乡 453003
cold plasmaglutenpowerchickengel properties
《食品工业科技》 2024 (6)