

Reflections on formative assessment in the course of pathology and remedies


文章分析过去3 年病理学形成性评价成绩,发现形成性评价对不同分数段和不同专业学生的综合成绩负面影响显著,不利于正确评估学生对知识的掌握情况.通过明确形成性评价本质是在教学过程中得到实时的教学反馈,进而改变教师的教学方法,提升学生的学习状态,指出目前形成性评价模式并不能够体现其本质,同时剖析了真正的形成性评价难以实施的原因,容易使师生出现倦怠心理和功利行为,且形成性评价与期末成绩无最佳比例,因此得出形成性评价不适合对学生最终综合成绩进行评价的结论,提出将形成性评价实时反馈作为重点,将形成性评价改为更符合当代大学生心理的无限刷分的游戏式过程,最终达到学生更好掌握知识的目的.

The authors analyzed the formative assessment results over the past three years in the course of pathology and found that formative assessment has a significant negative impact on the comprehensive scores of all students in different grades and specialties,making it difficult to measure student performance objectively.This paper clarifies that the essence of formative assessment is real-time teaching feedback during the teaching process,thereby teachers can adjust methods accordingly and help students do better,and then it points out that the current formative assessment model fails to serve the purpose.Formative assessment can easily lead to fatigue and utilitarian behavior among teachers and students,and there is no optimal ratio between formative assessment and final grades,making it difficult to implement true formative assessment and unsuitable for the evaluation of comprehensive performance.The authors suggest a focus on real-time feedback from formative assessment and change it to a game-like process with unlimited scoring opportunities,which is more suitable for college students born after 2000,aiming to achieve the goal of improving teaching effect.


新疆医科大学基础医学院病理学教研室, 乌鲁木齐 830017新疆医科大学全科医学院



pathologyteaching reformformative assessmentsummative assessmentteaching feedback

《基础医学教育》 2024 (002)

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