

Cross-sectional Investigation on Brucellosis in Cattle and Sheep in A City of Shandong Province in 2023


为掌握山东省A市牛羊布鲁氏菌病(以下简称"布病")流行情况,为布病防控决策提供数据支撑,采用横断面调查研究方法,运用普查抽样策略,对A市牛羊存栏量、布病流行率及不同规模场群布病流行情况进行了调查.结果显示:牛布病场群表观流行率和个体表观流行率分别为 0.64%(95%CI:0~1.52%)和 0.03%(95%CI:0~0.07%),羊布病场群表观流行率和个体表观流行率分别为 3.37%(95%CI:2.07%~4.67%)和 0.39%(95%CI:0.34%~0.44%).规模<50 头(只)场群的场群表观流行率最低,与存栏 50~99 和 100~499 头(只)场群均具有统计学差异(P<0.05).阳性场群复检的场群表观流行率(25.00%)高于全市整体布病场群表观流行率(3.40%),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).以上结果表明:该市牛布病流行率较低,处于稳定控制状态,羊布病流行率稍高,需在后续监测净化中重点关注;不同规模场群的布病场群流行率存在差异,养殖规模较大的场群流行率较高,这为探寻风险因素提供了方向;阳性场群布病复发风险较高,今后在布病防控中应对阳性场群开展持续性监测净化工作.

In order to investigate the prevalence of brucellosis in cattle and sheep in A City of Shandong Province,and to support the decision-making related to brucellosis with data,the inventory of cattle and sheep,prevalence rate of brucellosis and the prevalence status in farms/populations with different scales in the city were investigated using cross-sectional investigation and census sampling strategy.The results showed that the apparent prevalence of brucellosis in cattle was 0.64%(95%CI:0-1.52%)at farm/population level and 0.03%(95%CI:0-0.07%)at individual level,while that in sheep was 3.37%(95%CI:2.07%-4.67%)at farm/population level and 0.39%(95%CI:0.34%-0.44%)at individual level.The apparent prevalence of farms/populations with less than 50 animals was the lowest at farm/population level,with significant difference(P<0.05)same as the farms/populations with an inventory of 50-99 or 100-499 animals.The reexamined farm/population apparent prevalence rate(25.00%)of positive farms/populations was higher than that(3.40%)of the whole city,with significant difference(P<0.05).In conclusion,brucellosis was prevalent in cattle at low risk under steadily controlled status,but at higher risk in sheep,which should be specially concerned in subsequent monitoring and purification;the farm/population prevalence rates of brucellosis were different depending on the farms/populations at different scales,and higher in those with larger scale,guiding to find out possible risk factors;and the risk of recurrence of brucellosis in positive farm/population was relatively high,where continuous monitoring and purification should be conducted during future efforts of brucellosis prevention and control.


莱州市动物疫病预防控制中心,山东莱州 261400山东省动物疫病预防与控制中心,山东济南 250100



brucellosiscross-sectional investigationcattle and sheepcensus

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (002)

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