

Serological Monitoring of Livestock Brucellosis in Hezhou City,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region from 2019 to 2022


为了解广西贺州市家畜布鲁氏菌病(简称"布病")流行情况,2019-2022 年对部分猪、牛、羊规模场开展布病血清学监测,并对阳性场开展流行病学调查.结果显示:猪场群布病阳性率为0,牛为1.00%(2/200),羊为3.86%(17/440);猪个体阳性率为0,牛为0.03%(8/24 030),羊为0.88%(156/17 732).2019-2021年未见牛布病阳性,2022 年检出牛布病阳性,呈低流行率;羊布病阳性在 2021 年出现一次小高峰,2022 年有所降低.羊只买卖、交换种公羊和混饲是导致布病阳性的主要因素.未整群扑杀阳性场的一次复阳率为 33.33%,二次复阳率达 50.00%.结果表明:贺州市家畜布病以牛羊感染为主,猪群布病流行风险较低,未整群扑杀场群存在复阳风险.建议积极推进牛羊布病净化场建设,坚持监测和阳性场整群扑杀的防控策略,强化流通检疫监管和生物安全管理,防控布病发生及蔓延.

In order to investigate the prevalence of livestock brucellosis in Hezhou City,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,serological monitoring of brucellosis was conducted on some intensive farms with pigs,cattle or sheep from 2019 to 2022,and the positive farms were epidemiologically investigated.The results showed that the population positive rates were 0,1.00%(2/200)and 3.86%(17/440)for pigs,cattle and sheep,respectively;and the individual ones were 0,0.03%(8/24 030)and 0.88%(156/17 732),respectively.No positive case of bovine brucellosis was detected from 2019 to 2021,except in 2022 when brucellosis was detected with a low prevalence rate;positive cases of sheep brucellosis reached a minor peak in 2021,but decreased slightly in 2022.Sheep brucellosis was mainly caused by trade,movement of breeding rams or mixed feeding.For the positive farms where the population was not killed as a whole,the initial and secondary reinfection rates were 33.33%and 50.00%,respectively.In conclusion,brucellosis was prevalent in pig population in Hezhou City at lower risk,mainly in cattle and sheep,especially posing a risk of reinfection in the farms/populations where the whole population was not killed as a whole.It was thus recommended to push forward the construction of purification farms against brucellosis in cattle and sheep,adhere to the strategies of monitoring and stamping out whole population where any positive case was found,and to strengthen the supervision of movement quarantine and bio-safety management to prevent and control any occurrence or spread of brucellosis.


贺州市动物疫病预防控制中心,广西贺州 542800贺州市农业科学院水产畜牧研究所,广西贺州 542800



brucellosisserological monitoringintensive farmlivestock

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (002)

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