

Epidemiological Characteristics,Prevention and Control of Nipah Virus in Pigs


尼帕病毒病是一种新发人兽共患传染病,1998 年在马来西亚首次出现.引起该病的病原为尼帕病毒(Nipah virus,NiV),其在猪群中具有高度传染性,人感染后死亡率达 40%~75%.NiV主要通过猪只间的直接接触传播,也可通过设备、车辆、衣服、靴子以及犬、猫等机械携带传播;猪是NiV传播的放大器,主要通过呼吸道飞沫或被感染组织将病毒传播给人.果蝠是NiV的天然宿主,因此养猪场选址要远离果树种植区.目前还没有批准的人用或兽用尼帕病毒病疫苗或药物,但多种疫苗候选株在动物模型中显示出良好的保护效果,包括病毒活载体疫苗株、病毒糖蛋白亚单位疫苗株、颗粒样病毒疫苗株等;成功防控NiV感染的关键是做到早发现,在NiV传入高风险地区,对猪群持续进行血清学监测,并对猪场进行严格生物安全管理.本文结合已暴发的猪群尼帕病毒病疫情及人间疫情,探讨猪感染NiV的流行特点,并通过分析暴发原因提出防控措施,以期为猪群中防止该病发生及突发疫情时的应急处置提供参考.

Nipah virus disease(NVD)is an emerging zoonotic infectious disease that firstly appeared in Malaysia in 1998.NVD was caused by Nipah virus(NiV),which is highly contagious in pig population,with a mortality rate of 40%-75%in infected human.NiV is mainly transmitted through direct contact among pigs,or mechanically via equipment,vehicles,clothing,boots,dogs and cats;pigs,as the amplifiers of NiV transmission,mainly transmit the virus to human via respiratory droplets or infected tissues.As fruit bats are natural hosts of NiV,swine farms should be located far away from fruit-planting areas.No vaccines or drugs for NVD in human or animal have been approved,but virus live vector vaccines,virus glycoprotein subunit vaccines,particle-like virus vaccines and other candidate vaccines have shown good immune effects in animal models;early detection is the key to successfully prevent and control NiV infection,serological monitoring should be continuously conducted for pig population in high-risk areas where farms should follow strict biosafety management.In the paper,based on the outbreaks of NVD in pig population and human,the epidemiological characteristics of NiV infection in pigs were discussed,and prevention and control measures were proposed after analyzing the causes of the outbreaks,with a view to providing a reference for future prevention of the disease and emergency response to any sudden outbreak.


中国动物卫生与流行病学中心,山东青岛 266032中国动物卫生与流行病学中心,山东青岛 266032||青岛市现代生物工程及动物疫病研究重点实验室,山东青岛 266032||农业农村部动物生物安全风险预警及防控重点实验室(南方),山东青岛 266032



NiVpigepidemiological characteristicprevention and control

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (002)

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