

Exploration on the Autoclaving Procedures for Classified Wastes in Animal Bio-safety Laboratories


为探索动物生物安全实验室不同种类废弃物合理的高压灭菌程序,探讨脉动真空灭菌器灭菌时间和脉动参数对灭菌效果的影响,以化学指示卡和生物指示剂为判断标准,研究了不同种类废弃物(动物尸体、粪便以及防护服、利器盒等一般废弃物)的灭菌程序.在程序设置方面,以灭菌温度 121℃,脉动 4 次,排空上限80 kPa为灭菌固定参数,通过设置不同的灭菌时间和脉动下限,探索有效灭菌程序.结果显示:当灭菌时间为90 min,排空下限为-10 kPa时,猪、牛、羊等大动物尸体及其粪便灭菌合格;当排空下限为-80 kPa,灭菌时间分别为 30、60、120 min时,一般废弃物、小动物尸体、禽类粪便灭菌合格.结果表明,通过调整灭菌时间和脉动参数,对不同种类废弃物进行分类高压,灭菌效果更加理想.本研究为动物生物安全实验室的废弃物处理提供了参考.

In order to explore reasonable autoclaving procedures for different types of wastes in animal bio-safety laboratories,and to identify the influence of sterilization time and pulsation parameters of pulsating vacuum sterilizers on sterilization effectiveness,autoclaving procedures for different types of wastes(animal carcasses,feces as well as protective clothing,tool containers and other general wastes)were studied taking the chemical indicator card and biological indicator as a standard.For the settings of procedures,some parameters were fixed,including sterilization temperature at 121℃,4 times of pulsations and upper emptying limit of 80 kPa,to explore the effective procedures by setting different sterilization time and pulsation limits.The results showed that the sterilization of the carcasses and feces of pigs,cows,sheep and other large animals was qualified when the sterilization time was 90 min and the lower emptying limit was-10 kPa;and that of general wastes,small animal carcasses and poultry feces was qualified when the lower emptying limit was-80 kPa and the sterilization time was 30,60 and 120 min,respectively.In conclusion,by adjusting the sterilization time and pulsation parameters,the sterilization effect could be more ideal when different types of wastes were classified and disposed.A reference was provided for disposal of wastes in animal bio-safety laboratories.


中国兽医药品监察所,北京 100081



animal bio-safety laboratorywasteautoclavingsterilization timepulsation parameter

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (002)

22-26 / 5


