

On the Problem Inspection and Path Improvement of the Supplementary Quarantine System in Animal Inspection and Quarantine


补检作为一项重要的动物检疫制度,对于减少社会资源浪费、降低潜在的动物疫病风险具有重要意义.近年来,随着《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》《动物检疫管理办法》的修订和《动物和动物产品补检规程》的制定,补检制度得到了进一步完善和补充.但通过工作实践,结合对补检制度的研究发现,补检制度在工作衔接、启动条件、实施程序、权利救济等 4 方面仍存在问题,据此提出了健全补检衔接机制、完善法律规定、优化补检规程、完善权利救济机制等方面的实现路径,以期为补检制度的进一步完善提供参考.

As an important animal inspection and quarantine system,supplementary quarantine is of great significance for reducing any waste of social resources and lowering possible risk of potential animal epidemics.In recent years,with the revision to Law of the People's Republic of China on Animal Disease Prevention and Measures for Administration of Animal Quarantine and the formulation of Supplementary Quarantine Regulations for Animals and Animal Products,the supplementary quarantine system has been further improved and supplemented.However,based on findings in practice and investigation on the system,there were still problems in its work connection,starting conditions,implementation procedures and rights relief.Based on which,implementation paths were proposed to complete connection mechanism of supplementary quarantine,improve legal provisions,optimize procedures of supplementary quarantine and to refine the right relief mechanism,with a view to providing a reference for further improvement of the system.


西南石油大学法学院,四川成都 610500



animal quarantineadministrative law enforcementsupplementary quarantinepath improvement

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (002)

27-30,79 / 5

