

Countermeasures on Improving the Management of Experimental Animal Welfare and Ethics in Scientific Institutions


生命科学研究离不开动物实验,而如何加强实验动物福利伦理的监督管理是相关人员及主管部门需要持续关注及重视的议题.我国1988年颁布实施《实验动物管理条例》,随后陆续制定发布了多部相关法规及标准,已有近 100 家机构获得动物评估和认证协会(AAALAC)认证,2017 年中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)创建了实验动物机构认可制度,为我国培育和使用高质量实验动物提供了有力保障,也为我国生物科学研究打下了坚实基础.但总体而言,我国的动物福利建设仍相对落后于国外,存在动物伦理审查工作量大、相关人员伦理意识淡薄、动物实验操作过程监督缺失、行业主管部门监督力度不足、动物伦理问题处罚机制空缺等问题.建议相关部门严格科研项目申报阶段的伦理要求,加强实验过程中的动物伦理福利监督、培训及宣传,探索实行"同行评议"制度,初步建立伦理处罚机制.本文通过总结国内动物福利管理现状,分析存在的问题并提出相应举措,旨在为我国科研机构实验动物福利与伦理管理提供借鉴.

Life science research is inseparable from animal experiments,and how to strengthen the supervision and management of experimental animal welfare and ethics is concerned and focused on by relevant personnel and authorities.Regulations on the Management of Laboratory Animals was published in 1988,whereafter,several relevant regulations and standards successively published,nearly 100 institutions certified by Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care(AAALAC),and laboratory animal institution accreditation system established by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS),which strongly safeguarded the experimental animals with high quality,also laid a solid foundation for bioscientific research in China.In general,the construction of animal welfare system in China was still relatively behind other countries,especially such problems as heavy workload of review of animal ethics,poor ethical awareness of relevant personnel,lack of supervision during animal experiment operation,insufficient supervision by authorities and gaps in the punishment mechanism for animal ethics issues.Relevant authorities were recommended to strictly develop ethical requirements for declaration of scientific research projects,improve the supervision,training and publicity of animal welfare and ethnics during experimental process,explore to implement"peer review"system and to develop an punishment system for ethical issues.In the paper,the status of domestic animal welfare management was summarized,and existing problems were analyzed to propose relevant countermeasures,with a view to providing a reference for management of experimental animal welfare and ethics in scientific institutions in China.


中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,广州深圳 518055



experimental animalwelfare and ethicsanimal welfaresupervision

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (002)

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