

The Transcendence of Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization to Anthropocentric Ecological Ethics


随着近代工业革命的开展和科学技术的快速发展,生态环境问题日益加剧.20 世纪 70 年代后我国生态文明建设深入展开,逐渐对近现代人类中心主义生态伦理观进行反思与超越,形成了习近平生态文明思想.该思想从生态价值理念、生态治理策略及生态治理目标体系上超越了人类中心主义生态伦理观的理论与实践缺陷,不仅为我国生态文明建设提供了理论指导与实践指向,而且为全球性生态环境的解决提供了中国智慧与方案.

With the development of the modern industrial revolution and the rapid development of science and technology,people's ability to transform the nature has made great progress,followed by the increasingly severe ec-ological and environmental problems.After the 1970s,with the deepening of China's ecological civilization con-struction,the modern and contemporary anthropocentric ecological ethics were gradually reflected on and surpassed,forming Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought.The thought transcended the theoretical and practical defects of anthrocentrism ecological ethics from the ecological value concept,ecological management strategy and ecological management target system.It not only provides theoretical guidance and practical direction for the con-struction of ecological civilization in China,but also provides Chinese wisdom and solutions for the solution of global ecological environment.


南开大学马克思主义学院, 天津 300380


Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilizationanthropocentric ecologyecological justiceeco-logical nature

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (002)

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