

The Influence of Capacity Accumulation on the Survival Time of New Agricultural Business Entities


收集全国区域新型农业经营主体基本信息,分析影响新型农业经营主体生存时间的多方面因素.运用Cox生存风险分析动态追踪了2005-2021 年全国2 988 家新型农业经营主体的生存状况,记录其进入退出市场时间,采用KM估计方法刻画新型农业经营主体生存特征;通过对新型农业经营主体的管理能力、创新能力、运营能力分析,解释影响新型农业经营主体生存时间的关键因素.结果表明:27.6%新型农业经营主体退出农业产业,平均生存时间为7.71 年.创新能力和运营能力显著影响新型农业经营主体的生存时间,专利、商标数量增加、提高认缴资本数额、开展农产品网络宣传和销售模式均会提高新型农业经营主体生存时间;管理能力中提高管理者的风险管控能力会提高新型农业经营主体生存时间,而股东关联其他企业数量增多却会降低新型农业经营主体生存时间.

The complex factors influencing the survival time of new agricultural business entities are analyzed by gathering the fundamental data of new agricultural business entities in China,and the survival status of 29,88 new agricultural business entities in China from 2005 to 2021 was dynamically tracked using Cox survival risk anal-ysis.The timing of entry and exit from the market was noted,the KM estimation method was used to illustrate the survival traits of new agricultural management entities,and the management,innovation,and operation capabilities of new agricultural management entities were examined in order to identify the critical factors influencing the surviv-al time of new agricultural management entities.The findings revealed that 7.71 years was the average survival time and that 27.6%of the new agricultural management organizations left the sector.The survival time of new agricul-tural business entities is significantly impacted by their capacity for innovation and operation,and will be improved by an increase in the number of patents and trademarks,capital subscriptions,and the creation of online marketing and sales strategies for agricultural products.The survival time of new agricultural business entities will increase in terms of management ability as risk management and control skills of managers improve,but the number of other enterprises associated with shareholders will grow,reducing the survival time of new agricultural business entities.


西南林业大学经济管理学院, 云南 昆明 650233西南林业大学会计学院, 云南 昆明 650233



new agricultural businessbusiness entitysurvival timeCox survival risk analysisinnovation ability

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (002)

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