

Typical Case Analysis on the Growth Model of Characteristic Ecological Agriculture Industry in Southwest China


特色生态农业产业是乡村农户增收的突破口,是稳固脱贫成果的基础,是乡村振兴的抓手.通过对西南地区云贵川三省3 个典型案例进行微观分析,针对案例的成长模式进行总结归纳与对比分析.结果表明:为实现人们的物质需求向差异化、高端化、定制化转变,"特色农业产业+"的成长模式具有一定的发展潜力和借鉴意义,而成长模式受县域生产要素条件及利益相关者的发展目标、经营主体扶持侧重点等存在差异、各具特色.未来发展重点仍应放在信息科技创新、新型经营主体扶持、连接平台可持续支持机制构建等方面,以多特点生产体系、多类型规模经营、多元化服务组织攻克特色农业产业发展困境.

Characteristic eco-agricultural industry is a breakthrough for rural farmers to increase their income,a foundation for solidifying the results of poverty eradication,and a grip for rural revitalization.Through micro-anal-ysis of 3 typical cases in Yunnan,Guizhou and Sichuan Province in Southwest China,the growth patterns of the ca-ses are summarized and compared.The results show that in order to realize the transformation of people's demand from material to differentiation,high-end oriented,and customization,the growth pattern of'special agricultural in-dustry+'has certain development potential and significance,while the growth model is also different and has its own characteristics due to the conditions of production factors in the county,the development goals of stakeholders,the support focus of the main business entities.The future development should still focus on information technology innovation,support for new business entity,and the construction of sustainable support mechanism for connecting platforms,etc.,so as to overcome the dilemma of the development of the characteristic agricultural industry with multi-featured production systems,multi-type scale operation,and diversified service organization.


西南林业大学经济管理学院, 云南 昆明 650233



ecological industrycharacteristic agriculturegrowth modelrural revitalizationsouthwest China

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (002)

53-59 / 7

