

Discussion on hot topics and promotion paths for post-market surveillance and supervise of medical consumables based on non-active medical devices


目的:探讨基于无源医疗器械类医用耗材上市后监测监管的研究热点与推进路径.方法:采用数据挖掘方法对我国医疗器械监管相关机构网站和中国知网中国国家知识基础设施(CNKI)进行相关文献、文件采集;梳理医疗器械不良事件报告分项数据,提取期刊文献和文件主题要素词,进行文献计量分析与可视化显示.结果:我国医疗器械不良事件报告数量逐年增加,2022年为694 866份;在2019年至2022年4个统计年度数据中,无源医疗器械及体外诊断(IVD)试剂的报告数也呈并行增加趋势,占年度医疗器械不良事件报告总数的65.00%左右.期刊文献的常规文献计量表明该领域研究得到监管机构、高校院所、医疗机构及生产企业不同程度参与,监管机构贡献了46篇,占文献总数的56.79%,其次是高校28篇;词篇共现分析显示,研究热点聚集在质量管理、风险管理、国际经验解析、再评价、真实世界研究5类;我国监管机构高度重视上市后监测监管,2006年以来发布相关文件20余份,围绕安全有效愈渐深入.结论:研究热点从基于不良事件报告的质量管理、风险管理、国际经验讨论逐步向主动监测、真实世界研究等方面深入.进一步加强医疗器械尤其是无源医疗器械类医用耗材上市后监测监管需要在政府监管、医疗机构与消费者用户和生产经营企业3个维度同步推进,高校院所、行业组织协同助力,加强监测技术和方法学研究,建立真实世界研究数据资源库与数据标准,拓展不良事件监测序贯活动,研究制定风险控制和纠正预防措施,服务于我国医疗健康和产业发展.

Objective:To explore the research hotspots and effective promotion paths of post market surveillance and supervise of medical consumables with non-active medical devices.Methods:Data mining methods were used to collect related journal literatures and documents from the websites of China regulatory institutions and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),order sub item data of medical device adverse event reports,extract the MeSH element words of literatures and documents,perform bibliometric analysis and visual display.Results:The number of medical devices adverse event reports in China has been increasing year by year,reaching 694 866 in 2022,in the four statistical years from 2019 to 2022,the number of reports on non-active medical devices and IVD reagents also showed a parallel increasing trend,accounting for about 65.00% of the total number of adverse event reports on medical devices in the year.The bibliometric analysis of journal literature shows that research in this field has received varying degrees of participation from regulatory institutions,universities,medical institutions,and enterprises.Regulatory institutions have contributed 46 articles,accounting for 56.79% of the total number of articles,followed by 28 articles from universities.The co-occurrence analysis shows that hot topic is focused in 5 clusters:quality management,risk management,international experiences discussion and adverse event surveillance and re-evaluation and real-world research.China regulatory institutions attach great importance to post market surveillance and supervise,and have issued more than 20 relevant documents since 2006,focusing on specific topics and gradually deepening around safety and effectiveness.Conclusion:The post market surveillance and supervise of medical devices,especially medical consumables based on non-active medical devices,need to be promoted synchronously in three dimensions:regulatory institutions,medical institutions,and enterprises.Universities,research institutes,and industry organizations should work in coordinating to strengthen the collection,identification,and active surveillance of risk signals based on adverse event surveillance,safety evaluation based on risk management,and conducting real-world research,research and develop risk control and corrective and preventive measures.


国家药品监督管理局药品评价中心 北京 100076中国医学装备协会 北京 100086北京市海嘉学校 北京 101300《中国医学装备》杂志社 北京 100050中国医科大学药学院 沈阳 110122



Post-market surveillanceNon-active medical deviceMedical consumablesRisk managementActive surveillanceReal world researchAdverse event

《中国医学装备》 2024 (002)

166-173 / 8

国家重点研发计划(2022YFC2407604,2021YFC2701302) National Key R&D Program(2022YFC2407604,2021YFC2701302)

