

Scientific and Technological Innovation of Soybean Seed Industry in China:Current Situation and Strategy



China is a major soybean consumer and importer.Promoting the revitalization of the soybean industry and strengthening the technological innovation of the soybean seed industry have great significances for ensuring China's food and safety.Based on the data of China's soybean planting area,export,and import volume since 2016 and relevant research advances,this paper analyzed the situation challenges faced by China's soybean industry,such as large rigid demand and long-term dependence on imports,low average yield level and limited planting area,and potential risks faced by imports that would exist for a long time and are not easy to share.This paper briefly described the scientific and technological innovation results of China's soybean seed industry during the"13th Five-Year"Plan period,and systematically analyzed the problems faced by the scientific and technological innovation of China's soybean seed industry,such as low research level of germplasm resources,insufficient original scientific and technological innovation ability,imperfect commercial breeding system,lagging intellectual property protection system.It also put forward countermeasures and suggestions to promote the scientific and technological innovation and development of China's soybean seed industry,in order to promote China's soybean seed industry technology self-reliance development.


中国农村技术开发中心,北京 100045山东滨州国家农业科技园区管理服务中心,山东滨州 256600北京市农林科学院生物技术研究所,北京 100097



soybeanfood and feed safetycurrent situation of soybean industrytechnological innovation in seed industryproblem boardstrategy

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (003)

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