

Research on deblurring of high-speed motion railway images based on mapping spatial coding


针对轨道缺陷检测系统因镜头抖动或相机快速移动而导致所采集图像较为模糊的问题,提出一种基于最大后验概率估计思想的映射空间编码的高速运动轨道图像去模糊算法.首先,该算法使用深度编解码器和残差网络分别对数据集中清晰图像到模糊图像的映射关系和模糊核进行编码,为了保证编码时频率信息的完整性,算法在传统的残差模块上引入快速傅里叶变换通道构成双通道残差网络,以补偿多次特征提取带来的频率损失;其次,算法采用深度图像先验(Deep Image Prior,DIP)将潜在的清晰图像和模糊核进行参数化,再利用先验得到的模糊核和清晰图像来调用编码空间中的映射关系;最后,通过交替优化潜在的清晰图像和模糊核,从而去逼近一个真实未知的映射,进而实现真实场景下高速运动轨道图像的去模糊.实验结果表明,双通道残差模块提取的特征图频率信息分量强度普遍高于传统的残差模块,相较于使用传统残差模块实现该算法,采用双通道残差模块可使峰值信噪比(Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio,PSNR)提升0.84 dB,结构相似性(Structural Similarity,SSIM)提高0.025 1.与现有的深度学习去模糊算法相比,提出的去模糊算法对高速轨道检测系统所采集图像的去模糊效果更佳,在性能方面相较于最好的去模糊算法,PSNR提高了1.84 dB,SSIM提升了0.017 3,显著提升了采集图像的质量.研究结果可为下一步识别轨道部件是否存在缺陷提供清晰图像.

This paper proposed a high-speed motion railway image deblurring algorithm based on Maximum A Posteriori(MAP)estimation and mapping space encoding,aiming to address the problem of image blurring caused by lens jitter or rapid camera movements in the railway defect detection system.First,the algorithm employed deep encoder-decoder and residual networks to encode the mapping relationship between clear and blurred images in the dataset,as well as the blur kernel.To preserve the frequency information during encoding,the algorithm introduced a dual-channel residual network with fast Fourier transform(FFT)channels on the traditional residual modules to compensate for the frequency loss caused by multiple feature extractions.Second,the algorithm utilized the Deep Image Prior(DIP)to parameterize the latent clear image and blur kernel,and subsequently leveraged the obtained prior blur kernel and clear image to invoke the mapping relationship within the encoding space.Finally,through alternating optimization of the latent clear image and blur kernel,the algorithm approximated an unknown mapping to achieve the deblurring of high-speed motion railway images in real scenes.The experimental results indicate that the frequency component intensity of the feature maps extracted by the dual-channel residual module is generally higher than that of the traditional residual module.Compared to implementing the algorithm using a traditional residual module,adopting a dual-channel residual module can result in an increase of 0.84 dB in Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio(PSNR)and an improvement of 0.025 1 in Structural Similarity(SSIM).Compared with existing deep learning deblurring algorithms,the proposed deblurring algorithm shows superior deblurring performance for images acquired by the high-speed railway detection system,achieving an improvement of 1.84 dB in PSNR and 0.017 3 in SSIM over the best deblurring algorithm and significantly enhancing the quality of the acquired images.The proposed method can provide clear images for the next step to identify whether there are defects in the railway components.


江西理工大学 理学院,江西 赣州 341000江西理工大学 电气工程与自动化学院,江西 赣州 341000中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,四川 成都 610000



motion deblurringencoder-decodermapping spacedepth image priorresidual network

《铁道科学与工程学报》 2024 (002)

812-825 / 14


