

Disengaging length assessment for CA mortar layer of CRTS-Ⅱ slab based on deflection slope


列车运动条件下CA砂浆层脱空病害的定量检测缺乏有效的评估指标,而基于轨道/车辆响应特征和轨道线形变化的检测方法以定性判断为主.为解决上述问题,采用弯沉斜率作为脱空长度病害的评估指标,开展多种条件下脱空长度的定量评估研究.首先,基于欧拉伯努利梁理论和Winkler模型,推导出轨道板弯沉斜率与变形速度之间的关系.建立车辆-轨道有限元动力学模型,设置多种不同的脱空长度.其次,研究列车以不同速度通过病害区域时,轨道板表面特定区域变形速度的分布情况,统计该过程中轨道板最大变形速度出现的位置与轮对中心的间距.再次,基于线性递减粒子群优化算法,求解最优的变形速度测量位置.最后,分析弯沉斜率的变化规律及其与脱空长度的关联.研究结果表明:弯沉斜率与脱空长度呈正相关,因此弯沉斜率不仅可以用于砂浆层脱空的识别,还可以用于脱空长度的定量评估;在不同的脱空工况下,变形速度的最优测量位置位于列车轮对中心前方2.4 m处,该位置对应的变形速度能更有效地反映出脱空产生的影响;在不同的速度条件下,弯沉斜率的平均绝对百分比误差的平均值为13.7%,对应位置变形速度的平均绝对百分比误差的平均值为112.93%;揭示了不同脱空工况条件下弯沉斜率的变化规律,给出了7种脱空条件下弯沉斜率变化的参考范围.

There is a lack of an effective assessment index for quantitative detection of disengaging in the cement asphalt mortar layer when trains are in motion,and the detection methods based on track/vehicle response characteristics and track alignment changes are based on qualitative judgment.In order to solve the above problems,the quantitative assessment study of the disengaging length under various conditions was carried out by adopting the deflection slope as the assessment index of the disengaging length.First,based on Euler Bernoulli beam theory and Winkler model,the relationship between deflection slope and deflection velocity of the track plate was deduced,a vehicle-track finite element dynamics model was established,and a variety of different disengaging lengths were set.Second,the distribution of deflection velocity in specific areas of the track plate surface when the train passes through the affected area at different speeds was studied,and the spacing between the location where the maximum deflection velocity of the track plate appears in this process and the wheelset center was obtained.Third,the optimal deflection velocity measurement position was solved based on the linear decreasing particle swarm optimization algorithm.Finally,the variation law of the deflection slope and its correlation with the disengaging length were analyzed.The results show that:the deflection slope is positively correlated with the disengaging length.So,the deflection slope can be used not only for the identification of mortar layer disengaging,but also for the quantitative assessment of the disengaging length.The optimal position for measuring the deflection velocity under different disengaging conditions is 2.4 m in front of the center of the train wheelset,and the corresponding deflection velocity at this position can more effectively reflect the influence of disengaging.The average value of the mean absolute percentage error of deflection slope is 13.7%at different speeds,and that of deflection speed at the corresponding position is 112.93%.This reveals the variation law of deflection slope under different disengaging conditions,and gives the reference range of deflection slope variation under seven disengaging conditions.


武汉大学 遥感信息工程学院,湖北 武汉 430079深圳大学 广东省城市空间信息工程重点实验室,广东 深圳 518060



ballastless trackcement asphalt(CA)mortardisengagingdeflection velocitydeflection slope

《铁道科学与工程学报》 2024 (002)

826-836 / 11


