

Relationship between changes in spatial and temporal patterns of potential evapotranspiration and meteorological factors in the Hexi Corridor


蒸散发过程影响因素众多,潜在蒸散发(ET0)与气象变量交互作用复杂,亟需揭示ET0变化对气象变量的响应机理.基于河西走廊及周边21个气象站点气象资料,采用定性定量分析方法,以河西走廊整体及3分区2个空间尺度,揭示ET0时空变化规律,明确ET0对各气象因素变化敏感性及贡献.结果表明:(1)河西走廊及分区ET0均呈显著波动上升趋势(Z>1.98),线性变化率2.94 mm·a-1,且黑河分区变化最明显.(2)ET0由东南向西北递增变化,中东部石羊河分区(1003.78 mm)、黑河分区(1031.30 mm)较小,西部疏勒河分区(1171.89 mm)较大.(3)河西走廊ET0对气象因素变化敏感性排序为相对湿度(RH)、日最高气温(Tmax)、日照时数(n)、平均风速(u)、日降水量(P),ET0对RH减少最敏感,对P变化最不敏感.(4)u增大是造成河西走廊ET0增大的主要原因,其次是RH减少、Tmax升高、n增加.(5)疏勒河分区、黑河分区、石羊河分区ET0呈增加变化,贡献最大因素分别为Tmax(5.13%)、u(8.22%)、Tmax(5.97%),贡献最小因素为n.气候因素中的风速和气温变化是河西走廊地区ET0变化不容忽视的重要影响因素,研究成果对合理规划农田灌溉用水和提高农业水资源利用效率意义重大.

Several factors affect the evapotranspiration process.Potential evapotranspiration(ET0)interacts with meteorological variables in a complex manner.Therefore,there is an urgent need to determine the response mech-anism of ET0 changes to meteorological variables.Based on meteorological data from 21 meteorological stations in the Hexi Corridor,Gansu Province,China and its surrounding areas,qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted to reveal the spatiotemporal variation of ET0 and to clarify the sensitivity of ET0 to changes in various meteorological factors and contributions by taking two spatial scales of the Hexi Corridor as a whole and three subdistricts.The results showed the following:(1)ET0 in both the Hexi Corridor and the subdistrict showed a sig-nificant fluctuating upward trend(Z>1.98),with a linear change rate of 2.94 mm·a-1,and the most obvious change was observed in the Heihe subdistrict.(2)ET0 increased from the southeast to northwest.It was smaller in the Shi-yang River subdistrict(1003.78 mm)and Heihe subdistrict(1031.30 mm)in the central and eastern parts of the Hexi Corridor,and larger in the Shule River subdistrict(1171.89 mm)in the western part of the Hexi Corridor.(3)The sensitivity of ET0 to changes in meteorological factors in the Hexi Corridor was ranked as relative humidi-ty(RH),daily maximum temperature(Tmax),sunshine duration(n),average wind speed(u),and daily rainfall(P),with ET0 being the most sensitive to decreases in RH and least sensitive to changes in P.(4)The increase in u was the main cause of the increase in ET0 in the Hexi Corridor,followed by a decrease in RH,increase in Tmax,and in-crease in n.(5)The ET0 in the subdistricts of the Shule River,Heihe River,and Shiyang River showed an increas-ing change,with the factors that contributed the most being Tmax(5.13%),u(8.22%),and Tmax(5.97%),respective-ly,and the factor that contributed the least being n.Variations in wind speed and air temperature were important factors that influenced the ET0 change in the Hexi Corridor.The research results are significant for the rational planning of irrigation water use and improvement of the utilization efficiency of agricultural water resources.


甘肃农业大学水利水电工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730070


potential evapotranspirationmeteorological variablesresponsequantitative relationHexi Corridor

《干旱区地理》 2024 (002)

192-202 / 11


