

Influence of Anti-skid Stripes on Weighing Accuracy of Flat Dynamic Weighing Instrument Based on Elastic Roller Contact Model


动态称重时秤台防滑纹的垂向起伏会引起车辆发生振动,影响称重准确度.为此,建立了车辆称重过程的动力学模型,考虑轮胎的包容特性,建立弹性滚子接触模型,得出的防滑纹等效路面作为动力学模型的输入激励,分析各种因素作用下平板式汽车衡新型防滑纹对称重准确度的影响.仿真结果表明:随着防滑纹宽度增大,车辆的振动力变大,称重误差随之增大;凹坑型防滑纹间距为235 mm时产生的激励频率接近于车辆的固有频率,引起车辆和秤台共振,称重误差最高可达0.21%.三角形状凹坑类型的防滑纹产生的振动力以及称重误差均低于矩形凹坑;车速越快,防滑纹的产生称重误差越大.

When dynamic weighing is carried out,the vertical undulation of the anti-skid pattern on the scale platform can cause vibrations in the vehicle,affecting weighing accuracy.To address this issue,a dynamic model of the vehicle weighing process was established,considering the compliance characteristics of the tires.An elastic roller contact model was developed,and the equivalent road surface generated by the anti-skid pattern was used as the input excitation for the dynamic model.The influence of a novel symmetrical anti-skid pattern on the accuracy of weighing in a flatbed scale under various factors was analyzed.Simulation results indicate that as the width of the anti-skid pattern increases,the vibration force on the vehicle increases,leading to an increase in weighing error.When the spacing between pit-type anti-skid patterns is 235 mm,the excitation frequency generated approaches the natural frequency of the vehicle,causing resonance between the vehicle and the scale platform.The weighing error can reach a maximum of 0.21%.The vibration force and weighing error generated by triangular pit-type anti-skid patterns are lower than those of rectangular pits.Additionally,at higher speeds,the generation of anti-skid patterns results in larger weighing errors.


福州大学机械工程及自动化学院,福建福州 350116||福建省计量科学研究院(福建省力值计量测试重点实验室),福建福州 350003||国家市场监管重点实验室(力值计量测试),福建福州 350003福建省计量科学研究院(福建省力值计量测试重点实验室),福建福州 350003||国家市场监管重点实验室(力值计量测试),福建福州 350003福州大学机械工程及自动化学院,福建福州 350116||泉州师范学院,福建泉州 362000福州大学机械工程及自动化学院,福建福州 350116


mechanical metrologydynamic weighing instrumentvehicle vibrationdynamic analysisanti-skid stripeselastic roller contact modelweighing accuracy

《计量学报》 2024 (002)


238-245 / 8


