

Unified Calibration and Low-Level Concentration Comparison of Standard Radon Monitors in China


为了提升国内氡计量能力,组织了全国11家已建标实验室的标准级测氡仪开展统一校准.在校准的基础上,开展了低浓度测量比对,分析参比实验室在低浓度水平处进行量值传递的可行性.统一校准在700~3 000 Bq/m3氡浓度量级进行,氡浓度参考值可溯源至氡活度基准装置,不确定度为1.6%(k=2).各标准级测氡仪的体积活度响应范围为0.93~1.02,不确定度范围为2.2%~3.6%(k=2).低浓度比对在100~400 Bq/m3氡浓度量级进行,大部分标准级测氡仪的|En|值小于1,通过优化量传的策略,标准级测氡仪在100 Bq/m3以上开展量值传递是可行的;但在100 Bq/m3或以下浓度量级开展量值传递,各参比实验室仍需提升测量能力及氡浓度调控能力.

To improve the capacity of radon metrology in China,the standard radon monitors from 11 standard laboratories were calibrated uniformly.The low-level concentration comparison was conducted base on the unified calibration.The unified calibration was carried out at 700~3 000 Bq/m3 radon concentration,and the reference value of radon concentration can be traced to the primary standard of radon activity,Urel=1.6%(k=2).The range of response to reference radon atmosphere for standard radon monitors are 0.93~1.02,and the uncertainties range are 2.2%~3.6%(k=2).The low-level concentration comparison was carried out at 100~400 Bq/m3,the most standard radon monitors| En |<1.By optimizing the strategy,it is feasible for standard radon moniters to transfer above 100 Bq/m3.However,it is necessary to improve the ability of measurement and concentration control for each laboratory to carry out transfer at concentration of 100 Bq/m3 or below.


中国计量科学研究院,北京 100029


ionizing radiation metrologyradon volume activitystandard radon monitorcalibrationdomestic comparison

《计量学报》 2024 (002)

279-284 / 6


