

Effects of PM2.5 sub-chronic exposure on liver metabolomics in mice


[背景]大气PM2.5 会破坏肝脏正常的代谢稳态,加快肝脏疾病进程,但PM2.5 对肝脏代谢组的研究相对较少. [目的]基于液相色谱-质谱(LC-MS)分析技术探究浓缩PM2.5 亚慢性暴露对小鼠肝脏代谢组学的影响,明确可能受影响的代谢物,探究PM2.5 亚慢性暴露对肝脏代谢通路的影响. [方法]将 12只雄性 6周龄 C57BL/6J小鼠随机分为 2组,即浓缩PM2.5 暴露组和清洁空气暴露组.小鼠于复旦大学"上海市气象-环境动物暴露系统"进行暴露染毒.每天暴露 8 h,每周暴露 6 d,共暴露 8周,暴露结束 24 h后取小鼠肝脏.采用LC-MS分析技术,分析小鼠肝脏代谢组的变化.使用正交偏最小二乘法和t检验寻找两组小鼠的差异代谢物,差异代谢物筛选条件:变量权重值(VIP)≥1.0,P<0.05.使用MetaboAnalyst 5.0软件及京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)进行代谢通路富集分析. [结果]浓缩PM2.5 暴露组与清洁空气组比较,共筛选出 297个差异代谢物,其中 142个差异代谢物含量上调,155个差异代谢物含量下调,共有38条代谢通路受到干扰,其中有7条代谢通路受到显著影响(P<0.05),涉及氨基酸代谢、葡萄糖代谢、核苷酸代谢以及辅因子和维生素代谢.7条显著代谢通路具体为泛酸和辅酶A生物合成,嘌呤代谢,氨基糖和核苷酸糖代谢,精氨酸生物合成,丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢,氨酰基-tRNA生物合成,果糖和甘露糖代谢. [结论]代谢组学研究结果提示PM2.5 亚慢性暴露可能会导致肝脏能量代谢紊乱和氧化应激损伤.天冬氨酸、琥珀酸、鸟氨酸和富马酸等氨基酸以及黄嘌呤和次黄嘌呤等差异代谢物可能为PM2.5 亚慢性暴露导致肝脏损伤的早期生物标志物.

[Background]Atmospheric fine particulate matter(PM2.5)can disrupt the metabolic homeostasis of the liver and accelerate the progression of liver diseases,but there are few studies on the effects of sub-chronic PM2.5 exposure on the liver metabolome. [Objectives]To investigate the effects of sub-chronic exposure to concentrated PM2.5 on hepatic metabolomics in mice by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(LC-MS),and to identify po-tentially affected metabolites and metabolic pathways. [Methods]Twelve male C57BL/6J(6 weeks old)mice were randomly divided into two groups:a concentrated PM2.5 exposure group and a clean air exposure group.The mice were exposed to concentrated PM2.5 using the"Shanghai Meteorological and Environmental Animal Exposure Sys-tem"at Fudan University.The exposure duration was 8 h per day,6 d per week,for a total of 8 weeks.The mice's liver tissues were collected 24 h after the completion of exposure.LC-MS was performed to assess changes in the hepatic metabolome.Orthogonal partial least squares dis criminant analysis and t-test were employed to identify differentially regulated metabolites between the two groups under the conditions of variable important in projection(VIP)≥1.0 and P<0.05.Metabolic pathway enrichment analysis was performed using MetaboAnalyst 5.0 software and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG). [Results]A total of 297 differentially regulated metabolites were identified between the concentrated PM2.5 exposure group and the clean air group.Among these metabolites,142 were upregulated and 155 were downregulated.A total of 38 metabolic pathways were altered,with 7 pathways showing significant perturbation(P<0.05).These pathways involved amino acid metabolism,glucose metabolism,nucleotide metabolism,as well as cofactor and vitamin metabolism.The 7 significant metabolic pathways were pantothenic acid and coenzyme A biosynthesis;purine metabolism;amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism;arginine biosynthesis;alanine,as-partate and glutamate metabolism;aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis;and fructose and mannose metabolism. [Conclusion]The results from metabolomics analysis suggest that sub-chronic exposure to PM2.5 may disrupt hepatic energy metabolism and induce oxidative stress damage.Aspartic acid,succinic acid,ornithine,fumaric acid,as well as purine and xanthine derivatives,were identified as potential early biomarkers of hepatic response to sub-chronic PM2.5 exposure.


滨州医学院公共卫生学院 ,山东 烟台 264003复旦大学公共卫生学院环境卫生系/教育部公共卫生安全重点实验室,上海 200032烟台市疾病预防控制中心,山东 烟台 264003



fine particulate matterlivermetabolomicsliquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

《环境与职业医学》 2024 (002)

207-213 / 7

国家自然科学基金青年项目(42307549);山东省自然科学基金面上项目(ZR2021MH273);烟台市科技创新发展计划项目(2022YD110) This study was funded.

