

Comparison of Clinical Application Value of Modified 56℃ Heat Elution Method and Freeze-thaw Elution Method for ABO Hemolytic Disease of Fetus and Newborn


目的 比较改良56℃热放散法和冷冻复融放散法对检测ABO型新生儿溶血病(ABO-HDFN)的阳性检出率、试验成本等方面进行比较,探讨两种方法的临床应用价值.方法 选择2023年3月本院接收的所有进行新生儿/脐带血标本进行ABO溶血病检测(直接抗人球蛋白试验、游离抗体试验、放散试验),其放散试验时同时进行改良56℃热放散和冷冻复融放散,用统计学方法对两种放散方法结果进行比较分析.结果 共纳入非O型的新生儿/脐带血标本256例进行ABO-HDFN检测,其中A型145例,B型109例,AB型2例.改良56℃热放散法的阳性检测率69.92%,冷冻复融放散法的阳性检出率为64.45%,二者无统计学差异.比较两种方法在不同血型、不同凝集强度、不同直接抗人球蛋白试验结果(阴性/阳性)情况下的放散结果,二者均无统计学差异;仅游离抗体结果为阳性时,两种方法具有统计学差异.结论 在大多数情况下两种放散方法对于ABO-HDFN的诊断价值无统计学差异.各实验室可以结合临床患者的紧急程度以及本实验室的仪器设备、耗材配置、工作人员经验和时间成本等综合考虑,选择适合本实验室的方法.

Objective To compare the positive rate and the cost of modified 56℃heat elution method and freeze-thaw elution method in detecting ABO hemolytic disease of fetus and newborn(ABO-HDFN),and to discuss the clinical application value of the two methods.Methods All neonatal/umbilical cord blood samples received in our hospital in March 2023 were selected for ABO-HDFN detection(direct anti-human globulin test,free antibody test,elution test),and the elution method was used of modified 56℃heat elution and freeze-thraw elution simultaneously,the results of the two elution methods were compared and analyzed by specific statistical methods.Results A total of 256 non-O blood type neonatal/umbilical cord blood samples were included for ABO-HDFN detection,of which 145 were type A,109 were type B and 2 were type AB.The positive rate of modified 56℃heat elution method was 69.92%,and the freeze-thraw method was 64.45%,there is no statistical difference between the two methods,either in the condition of different blood type,different aggregation intensity and different DAT.Only when free antibody was positive,the modified 56℃heat elution method was better than the freeze-thraw method.Conclusion There is no statistical difference between the two methods for the diagnostic value of ABO-HDFN in most situations.Each laboratory can choose the method suitable for the laboratory according to the emergency degree of clinical patients,the equipment,consumables configuration,staff experience and time cost of the laboratory.


四川大学华西第二医院检验科||四川大学华西第二医院出生缺陷与相关妇儿疾病教育部重点实验室,四川成都 6100412



ABO hemolytic disease of fetus and newborn(ABO-HDFN)Modified 56℃ heat elutionFreeze-thraw elutionClinical application

《临床输血与检验》 2024 (001)

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