

A method for extracting axis and constructing section in long roadway deformation monitoring


三维激光扫描技术被广泛用于长巷道形变监测技术的研究中,但目前的研究存在多次扫描采集到的点云数据基准点移位现象;采集到的相邻点云数据公共特征不明显,多站点云拼接后会导致累计误差增大;超前巷道形变受超前支架的影响.针对上述问题,以传统十字点法中顶底板中点与两帮重点交叉的方法为基础,提出了一种基于最小二乘法的巷道中轴线提取方法.巷道定义的直角坐标系的原点位于激光束发射处,z轴位于激光扫描器的竖向扫描面内;x、y轴均位于仪器的横向扫描面内,中轴线反映了巷道整体的走向和姿态.在巷道掘进完成未受采动影响时,整条巷道进行第一遍扫描,通过最小二乘法确定整条巷道的中心点,将各中心点连接并拟合出一条完整的中轴线.在后续的巷道变形监测中,每监测一次均通过第一次的中点位置进行点云数据叠加,准确获得巷道断面内各个点云的变化情况,进而获得巷道的形变.基于拟合的中轴线构建巷道断面.采用三维激光扫描系统在塔山煤矿30507工作面回风巷对巷道形变进行了测试,结果表明:①巷道形变随着测点距工作面距离的增大而变小,且30507工作面回风巷的超前影响范围为150 m,巷道形变的最大点位于底板临近采空区一侧.②三维激光扫描和微震监测系统确定的超前范围接近,说明在进入150 m时支护煤体已经开始受力,且巷道形变的最大点位于底板临近采空区一侧,而不是十字点观测法观测的底板,证明三维激光扫描结果更为精确,且极大地降低了作业强度.

The 3D laser scanning technology is widely used in the research of deformation monitoring technology for long roadways.But there is a phenomenon of benchmark point displacement in the point cloud data collected through multiple scans in current research.The common features of adjacent point cloud data collected are not obvious,and the splicing of multi site clouds will lead to an increase in cumulative errors.The deformation of advanced roadways is affected by advanced supports.In order to solve the above problems,based on the traditional cross point method,which involves the intersection of the midpoint of the roof and floor and the two key points of the two sides,a method for extracting the axis of the roadway based on the least squares method is proposed.The origin of the rectangular coordinate system defined by the roadway is located at the laser beam emission point.The z-axis is located within the vertical scanning plane of the laser scanner.The x-axis and y-axis are located within the horizontal scanning plane of the scanner.The central axis reflects the overall direction and position and posture of the roadway.When the roadway excavation is completed without being affected by mining,the entire roadway is scanned for the first time,and the center point of the entire roadway is determined by the least squares method.Each center point is connected and fitted to form a complete central axis.In the subsequent monitoring of roadway deformation,point cloud data is superimposed based on the midpoint position of the first monitoring to accurately obtain the changes in various point clouds within the roadway cross-section,and thus obtain the deformation of the roadway.And the roadway section is constructed based on the fitted central axis.A 3D laser scanning system is used to test the deformation of the 30507 working face return air roadway in Tashan Coal Mine.The results showed the following points.① The deformation of the roadway decreases with the increase of the distance from the measuring point to the working face,and the leading influence range of the 30507 working face return air roadway is 150 meters.The maximum point of roadway deformation is located on the side near the goaf of the floor.② The advanced range determined by the 3D laser scanning and microseismic monitoring system is close,indicating that the supporting coal body has started to be under stress when entering 150 meters.The maximum point of roadway deformation is located on the side near the goaf of the floor,rather than the floor observed by the cross point observation method.This proves that the 3D laser scanning results are more accurate and greatly reduces the intensity of the operation.


中煤大同能源有限责任公司,山西大同 037034中煤(天津)地下工程智能研究院有限公司,天津 300120



deformation monitoring of long roadwaysaxis extractionsection construction3D laser scanningleast squares methodcross point observation method

《工矿自动化》 2024 (002)


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