


针对准噶尔盆地胜利油田矿权区块建成百万吨级油田并稳产 8 年之后,面临进一步上产难题,提出并开展油田上产对策研究.油气开发企业经常面临勘探捷报频传,开发无米下锅的情况.究其原因,还在于找到的储量难以开发,而且产量上得去还要稳得住.针对春风油田排 6 南区块埋藏浅、原油黏度高、南部发育边水的油藏特点及不同开发阶段开发矛盾变化,形成 7 种开发的范式.其中,坚持注氮气辅助水平井、油水过渡带微生物采油、超稠油油井计量,以及蒸汽吞吐、蒸汽驱、热水驱协同开发的经验值得深入总结推广.针对永进油田超深层油藏高质量发展难题,对现有资料重新解读.永进油田侏罗系异常高压、裂缝发育有助于高产,坚持原始创新、独立思考、运用数学思维解决油田开发难题,才能取得永进油田规模开发突破.

In view of the problem of further production increase after the mining right block of Shengli Oilfield in the Junggar Basin had been built into a million ton oilfield and stable production for 8 years,the countermeasures for oil field production increase were proposed and carried out.Oil and gas development enterprises often face frequent reports of successful exploration and the situation of no rice left for development.The reason lies in that the discovered reserves are difficult to develop,and the production is also stable.Seven development paradigms have been formed based on the characteristics of shallow burial,high crude oil viscosity,and the development of edge water in the southern part of Block 6 of Chunfeng Oilfield,as well as the changes in development contradictions at different development stages.Among them,the experiences of nitrogen injection assisted horizontal wells,microbial oil recovery in oil-water transition zone,metering of super heavy oil wells,and collaborative development of steam huff and puff,steam flooding and hot water flooding are worthy of in-depth summary and promotion.Aiming at the problem of high quality development of ultra-deep reservoir in Yongjin Oilfield,the existing data are reinterpreted.The abnormal high pressure and fracture development of Jurassic in Yongjin Oilfield contribute to high production.Only by persisting in original innovation,independent thinking and using mathematical thinking to solve the difficult problems in oilfield development,can we make a breakthrough in the scale development of Yongjin Oilfield.


中石化新疆新春石油开发有限责任公司,山东 东营 257000西南财经大学 社会发展研究院,成都 610074中国石化油田勘探开发事业部,北京 100728中国石油大学(北京)石油工程学院,北京 102249



countermeasureoilfield productionshallow heavy oildeep thin oilJunggar Basin

《科技创新与应用》 2024 (007)

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