

Qualitative Study on Experience of Caregivers of Adolescents with Mood Disorders and Nonsuicidal Self-injury


目的 了解伴非自杀性自伤(NSSI)行为心境障碍青少年患者照顾者的内心体验和感受.方法2022年9-11月,采用目的抽样方法选取北京回龙观医院收治的14例伴NSSI行为心境障碍青少年患者的照顾者作为研究对象.采用现象学研究方法,对其进行面对面半结构式深度访谈,运用Colaizzi七步分析法对访谈资料进行分析.结果 针对伴NSSI行为心境障碍青少年患者照顾者的内心体验和感受共提炼出5个主题:①多重负性情绪体验;②照顾负担重;③疾病照护能力匮乏;④个人及家庭成长;⑤渴望专业帮助.结论 医护人员需关注伴NSSI行为心境障碍青少年患者照顾者的负性情绪及心理负担,通过专业干预提高其对疾病的认知、改善其家庭功能,从而协助其预防和减少心境障碍青少年患者NSSI行为的发生率.

Objective To investigate the inner experience and feelings of caregivers of adolescents with mood disorders and nonsuicidal self-injury(NSSI).Methods From September to November 2022,caregivers of 14 adolescents with mood disorders and NSSI in Beijing Huilongguan Hospital were selected by purposive sampling.They were investigated by face-to-face semi-structured in-depth interviews using a phenomenological approach,and their interview data was analyzed using Colaizzi's seven-step analysis method.Results The following five themes were extracted regarding the inner experience and feelings of caregivers of adolescents with mood disorders and NSSI:① Experience of multiple negative emotions;② Heavy care burden;③ Lack of care ability;④ Personal and family growth;⑤ Desire for professional assistance.Conclusion For caregivers of adolescents with mood disorders and NSSI,healthcare providers should pay attention to their negative emotions and psychological burden,and provide professional interventions to improve their understanding of relevant illnesses and their family function,thereby preventing and reducing the incidence of NSSI in adolescents with mood disorders.


北京回龙观医院,北京 100096



Nonsuicidal self-injuryMood disorderCare burdenFamily functionQualitative study

《上海护理》 2024 (003)

13-17 / 5


