

Mediating Effect of Social Participation on the Relationship Between Mental Health and Self-rated Health Among Urban Elderly Retirees


目的 探讨社会参与在城市退休老年人心理健康与健康自评间的中介作用,为提高老年人心理健康提供参考.方法 2021年10月至2022年9月,采用方便抽样方法选取唐山市工人医院直属的2个社区卫生服务站管辖的600名退休老年人作为研究对象.采用一般资料调查表、老年人心理健康量表(MHIE-UV)及老年人社会参与问卷对其进行调查.结果 600名退休老年人社会参与得分为(28.45±4.27)分,健康自评得分为(3.31±0.86)分,心理健康得分为(35.24±7.44)分.城市退休老年人健康自评得分与社会参与、心理健康得分均呈正相关(r1=0.387,P<0.001;r2=0.367,P<0.001),社会参与得分与心理健康得分呈正相关(r=0.548,P<0.001),社会参与在健康自评与心理健康间存在部分中介作用,中介效应占总效应的37.87%.结论 城市退休老年人社会参与、健康自评与心理健康状况均需进一步提高,健康自评可直接影响或通过社会参与间接影响心理健康状况.社区老龄办负责人应重点关注健康自评、社会参与较低的老年人,采取相应措施提高其健康自评和社会参与度,从而提高其心理健康状况.

Objective To explore the mediating effect of social participation on the relationship between mental health and self-rated health among urban elderly retirees,aiming to provide a reference for improving their mental health.Methods From October 2021 to September 2022,a total of 600 elderly retirees were selected by convenience sampling in two community health service stations directly subordinate to Tangshan Gongren Hospital.They were investigated using the General Information Questionnaire,Mental Health Inventory for the Urban Elderly(MHIE-UV)and Social Participation Questionnaire for the Elderly.Results Among the 600 elderly retirees,the scores of social participation,self-rated health and mental health were(28.45±4.27)points,(3.31±0.86)points and(35.24±7.44)points,respectively.Among the urban elderly retirees,the self-rated health score was positively correlated with the social participation score and mental health score(r1=0.387,P<0.001;r2=0.367,P<0.001);the social participation score was positively correlated with the mental health score(r=0.548,P<0.001);the social participation exerted a partial mediating effect on the relationship between self-rated health and mental health,accounting for 37.87%of the total effect.Conclusion The social participation,self-rated health and mental health of urban elderly retirees require further improvement.Self-rated health can affect mental health either directly or indirectly through social participation.The leaders of community aging affairs offices should focus on the elderly with low self-rated health and limited social participation,and take corresponding measures to facilitate improvements in these two areas,thereby enhancing their mental health.


华北理工大学护理与康复学院,河北 唐山 063210



Elderly retireesSocial participa-tionSelf-rated healthMental healthMediating effect

《上海护理》 2024 (003)

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