

Development and application of deepwater off-line battery distribution system for the ship HYSY 708


针对海洋石油708船在深远海勘察作业时,海底钳因电能不足被频繁提至甲板更换电池的问题,研制了一套深水离线电池分配管理系统.该系统主要由控制舱、深水电池组、水密电缆等组成,能够在海底独立实现4个深水电池的自动切换功能.控制舱采用高强度铝合金制成,系统耐压≮30 MPa;采用三菱PLC作为核心控制器,完成了控制程序的编写.通过室内实验,验证了控制功能,能够稳定实现电池的切换与电能输出.在我国南海某海域1800 m水深处进行了现场应用,成功将海底钳的水下作业时间由3天提升至不低于10天,极大地延长了其在海底的工作时间,为海洋石油708船节约了宝贵作业时间,圆满辅助该船完成了勘察作业任务.

In order to solve the problems of the subsea template was frequently lifted to the deck to replace the battery due to insufficient battery capacity,during the deep-sea exploration of the ship HYSY 708,a 3000m off-line battery distribution manager was designed and manufactured.The system is mainly composed of control cabin,deep-water battery pack,watertight cable,etc.,which can independent complete the power management and output of 4 deep-water battery packs.Made of high-strength aluminum alloy,the system can withstand pressure not less than 30MPa,Using PLC as the core controller,the control program is written.Through laboratory experiments,the control function is verified,and the switch of battery pack can be realized stably.In May 2023,the field application was carried out in the depth of 1800m in a certain sea area of the South China Sea,and the underwater operation time of the subsea template was successfully increased from about 3 days to more than 10 days,greatly extending its working time in the seabed,saving valuable working time for the ship HYSY 708,and successfully assisting the ship to complete the survey task.


北京探矿工程研究所,北京 100083||中国地质大学(北京),北京 100083北京探矿工程研究所,北京 100083



battery managementdeep sea surveysubsea templateautomatic controlthe ship HYSY 708

《钻探工程》 2024 (002)

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