

The Growth Promoting Effect of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQ-2 on Rice


[目的]对实验室分离筛选得到的一株解淀粉芽孢杆菌SQ-2 进行促生特性研究,确定该菌株对水稻促生的浓度范围与作用机制,并分析接种菌株前后的土壤菌群结构.[方法]利用钼蓝比色法与固氮酶试剂盒对菌株SQ-2 的溶磷能力及固氮酶活性进行检测.将 102、104、106、108 和 3×108 CFU/mL的菌悬液接种至水培与土培水稻中,分别培养 14 d和 20 d后测定其水培、土培水稻的根茎干鲜重、茎长与茎粗.采用苯酚-次氯酸钠比色法、茚三酮检测法与 3,5-二硝基水杨酸比色法测定土培水稻土壤中脲酶、蛋白酶与蔗糖酶的活性.利用pH计电位法检测土壤pH值,用对应试剂盒检测土壤速效氮磷钾含量及酸性磷酸酶活性,并对接种 3×108 CFU/mL组的土培水稻土壤进行根际细菌群落结构分析.[结果]菌株SQ-2 对磷酸三钙的溶解量为 229.63 mg/L,固氮酶活性为 55.07 U/L.与对照相比,接种菌悬液浓度在 104 CFU/mL时,水培水稻根的干、鲜重增长最为显著;在接种浓度为3×108 CFU/mL时,土培水稻根茎的干、鲜重增长最为显著.随着接种菌悬液浓度的升高,上述土壤酶活性与速效氮磷钾浓度都有着不同程度的增加,而接种菌株 3×108 CFU/mL的土壤pH值则由原来的 7.83 降至 7.26.接种菌株SQ-2 改变了水稻根际土壤中的菌落构成,显著提高了土壤α多样性的Ace、Chao、Sobs与Shannon指数.[结论]解淀粉芽孢杆菌 SQ-2 对土培、水培水稻均有不同程度的促生效果.在土培实验中,能够通过提高土壤酶活性、速效氮磷钾水平及改变土壤菌群结构来起到促生作用,为细菌菌肥的研发提供了新的菌株资源.

[Objective]To study the growth-promoting characteristics of a strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQ-2 isolated and screened in the laboratory,and to determine the concentration range,mechanism of action,and changes in soil microbiota induced by this strain to promote rice growth.[Method]The phosphorus solubility and nitrogenase activity of strain SQ-2 were detected using the molybdenum blue colorimetric method and ELISA nitrogenase kit.Inoculating102,104,106,108,and 3×108 CFU/mL bacterial suspension into hydroponic and soil cultured rice,the dry and fresh weight,length,and thickness of the roots and stems of hydroponic and soil cultured rice were measured,respectively after 14 and 20 d of cultivation.Meanwhile,the activities of urease,protease,and sucrase in soil cultured rice were determined using the phenol sodium hypochlorite colorimetric method,the ninhydrin detection method,and the 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid colorimetric method.Besides,the soil pH value was determined using the pH meter potential method and the content of nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium available in soil and the activity of acid phosphatase were detected by utilizing the corresponding reagent kit.Analysis of rhizosphere bacterial community structure in soil cultured rice soil was inoculated with 3×108 CFU/mL components.[Result]The dissolution of tricalcium phosphate by strain SQ-2 was 229.63 mg/L,and the nitrogenase activity was 55.07 U/L.Compared with the control,the dry and fresh weight of hydroponic rice roots showed the most significant increase at an inoculum suspension concentration of 104 CFU/mL.At a vaccination concentration of 3×108 CFU/mL,the dry and fresh weight of soil cultivated rice rhizomes increased most significantly.As the concentration of the inoculum suspension increased,the activities of various enzymes and the concentration of available nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium in the soil increased to varying degrees,the soil pH value while inoculating strain 3×108 CFU/mL decreased from 7.83 to 7.26.The inoculant strain SQ-2 changed the colony composition in the rice rhizosphere soil and significantly increased Ace,Chao,Sobs and Shannon indices of soil α-diversity.[Conclusion]B.amyloliquefaciens SQ-2 had different growth promotion effects on soil culture and hydroculture rice.In soil culture experiments,the growth-promoting effect is notably pronounced through the augmentation of soil enzyme activity,rapid increases in available nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium levels,and alterations in the soil microbial community structure.Overall,these experimental findings offer valuable insights into new strain resources for the development of bacterial fertilizer.


天津理工大学化学化工学院,天津 300384


Bacillus amyloliquefacienspromoting growthdissolving phosphorus and fixing nitrogensoil enzyme activityrhizosphere bacteriaricebacterial community

《生物技术通报》 2024 (002)

109-119 / 11


