

Identification of SSR Loci and Development of Polymorphic Markers in Whole Genome of Oat


[目的]了解燕麦基因组SSR位点分布情况并开发燕麦全基因组SSR标记,为燕麦皮裸基因克隆、遗传图谱构建、群体多样性分析等提供科学的参考依据.[方法]利用已公布的"三分三"裸燕麦参考基因组,通过TBtools软件对燕麦全基因组的SSR位点进行检索并利用EXCEL和SPSS软件对检索数据分析其分布特征.根据检索结果设计引物,在构建的F2 遗传群体中小规模进行非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳验证,并克隆测序其有效性与真实性.[结果]在燕麦基因组中,SSR数量众多,类型丰富.全基因组共检索到 828138 个SSR位点,SSR平均密度为 78.16 个/Mb,平均距离为 12.90 kb.单、双、三核苷酸重复类型占主导优势.基元重复次数主要集中在 5 次和 6 次,A/T、AG/CT和AAC/GTT重复基元为优势基元.燕麦基因组SSR位点呈现中度多态性,长度变化范围为 11-1587 bp.并由此开发设计 52 对多态性引物在试验材料中进行扩增验证,在构建的遗传群体中均具有多态性.[结论]在"三分三"裸燕麦参考基因组中开发SSR引物有效可行,可以用于后续进一步试验研究.

[Objective]Due to the limited number of SSR markers developed in oat,it is difficult to meet the needs of functional gene mapping and polymorphism marker development in oat.[Method]Using the published reference genome,the SSR loci of the whole oat genome were retrieved by TBtools software,and their distribution characteristics were analyzed by Excel and SPSS software.[Result]The SSR was abundant and varied in oat genome.A total of 828138 SSR loci were identified in the whole genome,with an average density of 78.16 SSR/Mb and an average distance of 12.90 kb.Single,double and trinucleotide repeat types were dominant.The repetitions of the primitives were mainly 5 and 6,and the A/T,AG/CT and AAC/GTT repetitions were the dominant primitives.The SSR loci of oat genome showed moderate polymorphism,with length ranging from 11 to 1587 bp.Through the systematic identification and analysis of the whole oat gene SSR locus,52 pairs of polymorphic primers were developed and validated in the test material.[Conclusion]The development of SSR primers in the reference genome of"Sanfensan"naked oat is effective and feasible,and can be used for further experimental research.


山西农业大学农学院,太谷 030801山西农业大学农学院,太谷 030801||山西农业大学杂粮种质资源创新与分子育种国家实验室(筹),太原 030031


oatsskinSSR markersprimer developmentpolymorphism

《生物技术通报》 2024 (002)

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