

Genome-wide Identification of HD-Zip Gene Family in Gossypium hirsutum L.and Expression Analysis in Response to Abiotic Stress


[目的]HD-Zip(Homeodomain and Leucine zipper)家族是植物特有的转录因子家族之一,在植物的生长发育、逆境响应中发挥重要作用.从陆地棉全基因组范围内鉴定GhHDZ基因家族成员,分析相关基因表达特点,为后续深入研究提供支撑.[方法]利用生物信息学方法从陆地棉TM-1 基因组中鉴定出GhHDZ基因家族成员,并对其理化特性、系统进化关系、染色体定位、基因复制、基因结构和启动子区顺式作用元件等进行分析.利用转录组数据结合实时定量聚合酶链式反应(quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction,RT-qPCR)分析GhHDZ家族基因在不同非生物胁迫下的表达模式.采用烟草瞬时转化法检测目标蛋白的亚细胞定位情况,通过转基因过表达方法验证目标基因功能.[结果]在陆地棉基因组中共鉴定到 205 个GhHDZ基因,系统发育分析将GhHDZ家族划分为 4 个亚组.片段复制是GhHDZ基因家族进化的主要原因,且该基因家族经历了强烈的纯化选择.在转录组分析基础上,对其中 10 个GhHDZ基因在 4 种非生物胁迫下的RT-qPCR鉴定分析表明,GhHDZ12、GhHDZ46、GhHDZ119 正向响应冷胁迫,GhHDZ15、GhHDZ188 负向响应冷胁迫;GhHDZ15、GhHDZ46、GhHDZ50、GhHDZ76、GhHDZ116、GhHDZ146、GhHDZ176、GhHDZ188 正向响应热胁迫;GhHDZ15、GhHDZ50、GhHDZ76、GhHDZ116、GhHDZ119、GhHDZ146、GhHDZ176、GhHDZ188 正向响应盐胁迫;GhHDZ12、GhHDZ15、GhHDZ50、GhHDZ116、GhHDZ119、GhHDZ176、GhHDZ188 正向响应干旱胁迫,GhHDZ76 负向响应干旱胁迫,且发现上述基因对各种胁迫的响应时间各有差异.进一步对GhHDZ146 的功能研究发现,该基因定位于细胞核,在拟南芥中异源过表达显著增强了对盐胁迫的耐受性.[结论]在全基因组范围内从陆地棉中系统鉴定出205 个GhHDZ家族成员.不同基因对各种胁迫的响应不一,且表达模式存在差异.GhHDZ146对盐胁迫具有正向响应功能.

[Objective]HD-Zip(Homeodomain and Leucine zipper)family is one of the plant-specific transcription factor families,which plays an important role in plant growth and development and stress response.In this study,the members of GhHDZ gene family were identified from the whole genome of Gossypium hirsutum L.and the expression characteristics of related genes were analyzed to provide support for further research.[Method]The members of GhHDZ gene family were identified from TM-1 genome of G.hirsutum L.by bioinformatics,and their physicochemical properties,phylogenetic relationship,chromosome location,gene replication,gene structure and cis-acting elements in promoter region were analyzed.Transcriptome data and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR)were used to analyze the expression patterns of GhHDZ family genes under different abiotic stresses.The subcellular localization of the target protein was detected by tobacco transient transformation method,and the function of the target gene was verified by transgenic overexpression method.[Result]A total of 205 GhHDZ genes were identified in upland cotton genome,and the GhHDZ family was divided into 4 subgroups by phylogenetic analysis.Fragment replication was the main reason for the evolution of the GhHDZ gene family,and the gene family has undergone a strong purification selection.GhHDZ family members had potential diversity of biological functions.The analysis of abiotic stress transcriptome combined with RT-qPCR analysis of 10 GhHDZ genes showed that GhHDZ12,GhHDZ46 and GhHDZ119 positively responded to cold stress,GhHDZ15 and GhHDZ188 negatively responded to cold stress,GhHDZ15,GhHDZ46,GhHDZ50,GhHDZ76,GhHDZ116,GhHDZ146,GhHDZ176,GhHDZ188 positively responded to heat stress,and GhHDZ15,GhHDZ50,GhHDZ76,GhHDZ116,GhHDZ119,GhHDZ146,GhHDZ176,GhHDZ188 positively responded to salt stress.GhHDZ12,GhHDZ15,GhHDZ50,GhHDZ116,GhHDZ119,GhHDZ176,GhHDZ188 positively responded to drought stress,while GhHDZ76 negatively responded to drought stress,and it was found that the response times of these genes to various stresses were different.Further study on the function of GhHDZ146 showed that the gene was localized in the nucleus and heterologous overexpression in Arabidopsis,which significantly enhanced the tolerance to salt stress.[Conclusion]205 members of GhHDZ gene family are systematically identified from G.hirsutum L.within the whole genome.Different genes have different responses to various stresses,and there are differences in expression patterns.The positive response function of GhHDZ146 to salt stress is confirmed.


山西农业大学棉花研究所,运城 044000||棉花生物育种与综合利用全国重点实验室,安阳 455000江西省经济作物研究所,南昌 330000||棉花生物育种与综合利用全国重点实验室,安阳 455000


Gossypium hirsutum L.GhHDZ gene familyphylogenyabiotic stressexpression pattern

《生物技术通报》 2024 (002)

130-145 / 16


