

Regulation of Nitrogen Application on Peanut Seed Germination and Spermosphere Bacterial Community Structure Under Salt Stress


[目的]盐胁迫影响花生种子萌发和植株生长,阐明盐胁迫下适量施肥提高种子萌发率和花生产量的内在调控机制,并解析该过程与种子际土壤细菌菌群结构的关系,为通过改良种子际土壤微生物环境,提高花生出苗健苗率、耐盐抗逆性和花生生产能力提供理论和技术依据.[方法]以耐盐花生品种(花育 25 号,HY25)为试验材料,设置 3 个氮素水平 0、90 和180 kg/hm2,采用盆栽试验和高通量测序技术,阐明氮肥施用对盐胁迫下花生种子际微生物菌群结构、花生发芽出苗和产量的影响.[结果]施加氮肥可有效提高花生种子在盐胁迫下的发芽率和最终产量,并以施氮量 90 kg/hm2 最适.16S rRNA测序分析显示,种子际的土壤细菌以变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)及芽孢杆菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)等为优势菌门.在属水平上,盐胁迫虽然提高了有益菌属拟杆菌属(Bacteroides)的相对丰度,但同时导致有害的链球菌属(Streptococcus)增多,最终降低了有益菌属芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、鞘脂单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)和溶杆菌属(Lysobacter)的相对丰度.盐胁迫下施氮可以显著改善种子际的土壤微环境,提高有益菌属拟杆菌属、芽孢杆菌属、鞘脂单胞菌属的相对丰度,对土壤修复和地力提升有一定的帮助,同时还能增强花生抗逆性.[结论]盐胁迫下适量施氮可提高种子际有益菌属的相对丰度,从而提高花生种子的发芽率和耐盐性,最终促进盐胁迫下的花生增产.

[Objective]Salt stress affects seed germination and peanut growth,and the internal regulatory mechanism of increasing seed germination rate and peanut yield by appropriate fertilization under salt stress was elucidated,and the relationship between the process and the bacterial structure of peanut spermosphere soil was analyzed,so as to provide theoretical and technical basis for improving peanut emergence and health rate,salt tolerance and stress resistance and peanut production capacity by regulating the microenvironment in spermosphere soil.[Method]We set up three nitrogen levels of 0,90,and 180 kg/hm2 with a salt-tolerant peanut variety(Huayu 25,HY25)as experimental materials.Potted experiments and high-throughput sequencing techniques were used to study the effects of nitrogen fertilizer application on the spermosphere bacterial community structure,germination and yield of peanut under salt stress.[Result]The application of nitrogen fertilizer increased the germination rate and peanut yield,and the optimal nitrogen application was 90 kg/hm2.Proteobacteria,Actinobacteria,Firmicutes,Acidobacteria,Bacteroidetes,Chloroflexi,and Gemmatimonadetes were the dominant phyla in peanut spermosphere soil of different groups via 16S rRNA sequence.At the genus level,salt stress increased the relative abundance of beneficial bacteria Bacteroides,but induced a large number of harmful Streptococcus,whereas the relative abundance of the beneficial bacteria genera Bacillus,Sphingomonas,and Lysobacter decreased.Nitrogen application under salt stress may improve the spermosphere soil microenvironment and increase the relative abundance of beneficial soil bacteria Bacteroides,Bacillus,and Sphingomonas,which is helpful to soil restoration and fertility improvement,and can also enhance the stress resistance of peanuts.[Conclusion]Appropriate nitrogen application under salt stress increases the relative abundances of beneficial bacteria in the spermosphere soil,thus which may improve the germination rate and salt tolerance,and finally increase the peanut yield under salt stress.


山东省花生研究所,青岛 266100山东省招远市毕郭镇人民政府,烟台 265412


peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.)salt stressgermination rateyieldspermospherebacterial community structure

《生物技术通报》 2024 (002)


253-265 / 13


