

Optimization of Railway Route Scheme Based on Combinatorial Weighted Two-Dimensional Cloud Model


针对线路方案比选时评价指标体系单一赋权方法的局限性,以及决策过程中多从工程建设结果单方面考虑的问题,提出基于组合赋权-二维云模型的线路方案评价方法.依托沈白铁路通化段线路方案比选实例,以技术可行和生态平衡为导向,选取线路设计、自然人文景观破坏、水土资源环境污染、施工难度及安全 4 个方面的 17 个影响线路走向因素,构建线路方案评价指标体系,后运用改进层次分析法与熵权法组合赋权确定指标权重,并以工程建设结果与工后恢复成本作为二维云的 2 组基础变量,运用MATLAB正向云发生器输出评价云图,确定不同线路方案的隶属等级.结果表明:经新宾、通港方案隶属评价等级介于良好和优秀之间,更贴近良好(Ⅱ级);经新宾、通化县西和经桓仁北、通化县西方案,隶属评价等级介于一般和良好之间,更贴近一般(Ⅲ级);推荐经新宾、通港方案为铁路建设方案,与工程实际选择一致.

In view of the limitations of the single-weight method of the route scheme selection and the problem of unilateral consideration of engineering construction results in the decision-making process,this paper proposes a route scheme evaluation method based on combination weighting method and two-dimensional cloud model.According to the example of route scheme selection in Tonghua section of Shenyang-Changbaishan Railway,17 factors affecting route direction are selected in 4 aspects of route design,natural and human landscape destruction,water and soil resources and environmental pollution,construction difficulty and safety as the guide for technical feasibility and ecological balance constructing the route scheme evaluation index system;then the combination of IGAHP and entropy power method is used to assign weights to determine the index weights and the engineering construction results and post-construction restoration cost as two sets of basic variables of the two-dimensional cloud.The use of MATLAB positive cloud generator can output evaluation cloud map and determine the membership grade of different route schemes.The results show that:the evaluated membership grade of the route scheme via Xinbin and Tonggang is between good and excellent,closer to good(grade Ⅱ),and the evaluated membership grade of the route scheme via Xinbin and Tonghua County West and the scheme via Huanren North and Tonghua County West is between average and general,closer to general(grade Ⅲ),recommending the scheme via Xinbin and Tonggang as the railway construction scheme,which is consistent with the actual engineering choice.


中国铁路设计集团有限公司线路站场枢纽设计研究院,天津 300308



railway locationcombined weighttwo-dimensional cloud modelevaluation of route schememembership grade

《铁道标准设计》 2024 (003)

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