

Therapeutic effect of compound water extract of Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis on Eimeria tenella in chicks


为了增强药物的疗效以及更好提升病鸡的生长性能,本研究配伍黄连厚朴为核心的连朴水提物,以探究其抗球虫效果.黄连厚朴复方水提物的抗球虫指数(ACI)为169.48,达到良好抗球虫效果,能有效减少柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria tenella)感染造成的盲肠损伤、卵囊的排出数量以及血便的数量,恢复其生长性能;外周血清中的细胞因子结果表明,黄连厚朴复方水提物可以降低促炎因子在血清中的含量,提升白细胞介素 10 的含量,从而达到降低炎症的发生;黄连厚朴复方水提物可以提高抗氧化酶在感染期间的含量,减少过氧化物丙二醛和一氧化氮的含量,具有抗氧化应激的作用.研究表明,黄连厚朴复方水提物可能是治疗柔嫩艾美耳球虫感染的一种有效替代抗生素等化学合成药物的天然中草药.

In the study,the compound Chinese herbal medicine was combined with Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis as the core to explore its anti-coccidiosis effect,in order to enhance the efficacy of the drug and improve the growth performance of sick chickens.The ex-perimental results showed that the compound water extract of Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis achieved a remarkable anticoccidial effect,as indicated by an anticoccidial index(ACI)of 169.48.This herbal compound effectively mitigated the pathological damage inflicted by Eimeria tenella on the cecum in the chicks,reduced their oocyst discharge,diminished the occurrence of bloody stools in them,and re-stored their growth performance.The analysis of the cytokine levels in the peripheral serum revealed that this herbal compound was able to re-duce the concentrations of pro-inflammatory factors and raised the levels of IL-10.Moreover,the compound water extract of Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis had antioxidant properties during infection,elevating the levels of antioxidant enzymes and lowering MDA and NO in the chicks.In conclusion,the compound water extract of Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis indicated a promising potential as a natural Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of E.tenella infection,providing an effective alternative to chemical synthetic drugs such as antibi-otics.


广西大学动物科学技术学院,广西畜禽繁育与疾病防控重点实验室,广西 南宁 530004广西百色隆林各族自治县天生桥镇农业农村综合服务中心,广西 百色 533400



Chinese herbal compoundCoptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalisEimeria tenellaanti-oxidative stressanti-inflammatory

《畜牧与兽医》 2024 (003)

118-123 / 6

