

Evaluation method and engineering application of in-situ stress of deep tight sandstone reservoir in the second member of Xujiahe Formation in Xiaoquan-Fenggu area,western Sichuan


[研究目的]川西坳陷孝泉—丰谷地区须二段砂岩气藏的勘探开发潜力巨大,但该地区埋藏较深且构造复杂、断缝系统多期叠加,使得地应力频繁变化,制约了该区井位轨迹设计与压裂改造的有效实施,故需对该区地应力大小进行精细评价,为工程开发提供建议从而提高产能.[研究方法]基于岩石力学、声发射实验及差应变分析等实验测试方法,并结合常规测井、特殊测井及水力压裂等资料分析,优选了适应于深层块状均质致密砂岩储层的地应力大小实验测试方法,并在单点地应力大小准确评价的基础之上,构建了研究区分构造变形单元分层的单井地应力大小连续测井解释模型,查明了纵向上地应力大小变化结构类型及分布规律.[研究结果]研究表明差应变分析法计算的地应力大小精确度最高,为更能够准确表征深层均质块状致密砂岩地应力大小的实验方法.测试结果显示须二段属于Ⅲ类地应力类型,处于走滑应力状态,存在部分逆冲挤压应力状态;在井点测试的基础上,形成了基于井壁影像反演的地应力大小评价技术;地应力大小结构变化在纵向上分为 5种类型,其中南北向(SN)三级以上断层和南北向(SN)褶皱或北东东向(NEE)褶皱变形的高部位以低低高(LLH)型和低应力(LC)型为主,在小规模断层或平缓构造区以高低高(HLH)型或高低低(HLL)型为主.[结论]建议选择低低高(LLH)型地应力剖面进行工程开发,其纵向上可穿透更多含气层,同时避开底层底水,预防生产早期快速见水,故应选择二—三级南北向断层和南北或北东向纵弯褶皱区须二2中上段进行水力压裂改造.

This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration survey engineering. [Objective]Xiaoquan-Fenggu area in the western Sichuan Basin has huge potential for exploration and development of Xujiahe Formation gas reservoirs.However,due to the region's deep burial,complex structure,and multiple superimposed fault systems that cause frequent variation in stress orientation,effective well placement design and hydraulic fracturing practices have been limited.Therefore,it is necessary to evaluate the precise magnitude of in-situ stress in this area to provide recommendations for engineering development and increase production capacity.[Methods]Experimental methods such as rock mechanics,acoustic emission testing,and differential strain analysis combined with conventional logging,special logging,and hydraulic fracturing data were used to experimentally test the in-situ stress magnitude in deep heterogeneous blocky tight sandstone reservoirs.Based on accurate evaluation of single-point in-situ stress magnitude,a logging interpretation model was established for the subdivision of tectonic units in the study area,examining structural variation of in-situ stress magnitude and distribution along a single well.[Results]Our study showed that differential strain analysis provided the most accurate measurement of stress in heterogeneous tight sandstone reservoirs.Test results indicated that the Xujiahe Formation belongs to the type Ⅲ in-situ stress category and exists in a strike-slip stress state with partial compression and thrust stress states.Based on single-point test data,we developed a technique to evaluate in-situ stress magnitude by utilizing borehole image inversion.Structural changes in in-situ stress magnitude were divided vertically into five types,whereby high positions of north-south(SN)faults with grades above three and folds in SN or northeast-trending(NEE)resulted predominantly in low-low-high(LLH)or low stress(LC)profiles.Meanwhile,small-scale faults or gentle deformation areas had high-low-high(HLH)or high-low-low(HLL)profiles.[Conclusion]A low-low-high(LLH)stress profile was suggested for engineering development to penetrate more gas layers vertically,while avoiding bottom water and preventing rapid water breakthrough during early production.Therefore,it is recommended to select the second to third order north-south(SN)trending faults and north-south(SN)or northeast trending(NE)longitudinal flexure zones located in the middle-upper part of the second layer of the second member of Xujiahe Formation.


成都理工大学能源学院, 四川 成都 610059成都理工大学能源学院, 四川 成都 610059||油气藏地质及开发工程全国重点实验室, 成都理工大学, 四川 成都 610059中国石化西南油气分公司勘探开发研究院, 四川 成都 610041



in situ stressstress structuretight gas reservoiracoustic emissioninduction seamthe second member of Xujiahe Formationoil and gas exploration engineeringwestern Sichuan DepressionSichuan Province

《中国地质》 2024 (001)

89-104 / 16

深地科学与工程教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(DESEYU202102)与四川省科技厅重点苗子项目(22MZGC0159)联合资助.Supported by the Open Found from Key Lab of Deep Earth Science and Engineering,Ministry of Education(No.DESEYU202002),Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department Key Seedling Project(No.22MZGC0159).

