

Chinese Expert Consensus on Second-line Treatment for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with Negative Driver Gene Mutations


对于驱动基因阴性的晚期非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)患者而言,既往化疗一直都是标准治疗选择,而免疫检查点抑制剂(immune checkpoint inhibitors,ICIs)的加入为这部分患者提供了新的治疗选择.目前一线治疗可以选择化疗、抗血管生成药物或免疫治疗.尽管初始治疗能获得一定的有效率,但仍不可避免地会出现疾病进展或治疗失败,二线及以上治疗疗效差,患者预后不佳,临床上需要更多有效的二线治疗药物.中国临床肿瘤学会非小细胞肺癌专家委员会组织呼吸科、肿瘤科、病理科专家对驱动基因阴性人群临床研究证据进行了深入探讨,根据专家组讨论后广泛认可的临床诊疗经验,对驱动基因阴性NSCLC患者二线治疗制定了统一的专家共识,可作为中国临床医师选择驱动基因阴性NSCLC二线治疗的指导依据.

For advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)patients with negative driver gene mutations,chemo-therapy has always been the standard treatment option,and immune checkpoint inhibitors(ICIs)provide other treatment op-tion for these patients.At present,the first-line treatment can choose chemotherapy,anti-angiogenic drugs or immunotherapy.Although the initial treatment can achieve a certain clinical curative effect,disease progression or treatment failure is eventually unavoidable.The second-line and subsequent treatments have poor efficacy and more effective drugs are needed clinically.An expert panel of respiratory medicine,pathology and medical oncology organized by Expert Committee on Non-small Cell Lung Cancer of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology conducted an in-depth discussion on evidences of clinical studies for second-line treatment of NSCLC patients with negative driver gene mutations,aiming to provide guidances for Chinese clini-cians in choosing second-line treatment for NSCLC patients with negative driver gene mutations.



Lung neoplasmsImmunotherapyAnti-angiogenic drugsNegative driver gene mutationsExpert consensus

《中国肺癌杂志》 2024 (002)

81-87 / 7

