

Effects of low concentration atropine on macular microcirculation in children with different degrees of myopia


目的:研究0.01%阿托品滴眼液对不同程度近视儿童黄斑血流密度及视网膜厚度的影响.方法:前瞻性自身对照研究.64例(112眼)首次诊断为屈光不正(近视)的患者在使用0.01%阿托品滴眼液治疗前及用药6个月后进行眼科检查,包括裸眼远视力(uncorrecte d distance visual acu-ity,UCVA)、眼轴(axial length,AL)、等效球镜度数(spherical equivalent,SE)、裂隙灯检查及使用光学相干断 层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)常规模式测量黄斑神经节细胞-内丛状层厚度(macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thicknes,mGCIPL).使用光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)测量黄斑区血管密度、中心凹无血管区面积等.比较用药前后各项指标的变化.结果:3组近视患者AL均较用药前显著增长(P<0.01),但低、中度近视用药前后差值明显小于高度近视组;3组近视患者SE均较用药前增长,但低度近视组用药前后差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),中度、高度近视组差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01);3组近视患者眼压(intraocular pressure,IOP)较用药前无明显变化(P>0.05).用药6个月后,中心圆黄斑血管密度(central circle macular vessel density,cCVD)增加在低度、中度近视组中均有统计学差异(P<0.01),在高度近视组中差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).3个近视组用药前后外圆黄斑血管密度(outer circle macular vessel density,oCVD)、内圆黄斑血管密度(inner circle macular vessel density,iCVD)、全圆黄斑血管密度(whole circle macular vessel density,wCVD)无明显改变(P>0.05);mGCIPL增加在低度近视组中有统计学差异(P<0.01),在中度、高度近视组中均无统计学差异(P>0.05). 3个近视组黄斑中心凹无血管区(fovea l avascular zone,FAZ)面积在用药前后无明显改变(P>0.05). 3个近视组中cCVD和AL、SE之间均无相关性(P>0.01),低度近视组中cCVD与mGCIPL呈低度相关(r=0.442,P<0.05),中度、高度近视组中cCVD与mGCIPL均无相关性(P>0.01).结论:0.01%阿托品滴眼液可以明显降低低度近视患儿AL增长及屈光度增长速度,增加低、中度近视患儿黄斑中心圆血管密度,增加低度近视患儿mGCIPL厚度.

AIM:To investigate the effects of 0.01%atropine eye drops on macular blood flow density and retinal thickness in children with differ-ent degrees of myopia.METHODS:This was a pro-spective case-control study.Sixty-four patients(112 eyes)diagnosed with myopia for the first time with 0.01%atropine eye drops before and 6 months af-ter medication were investigated with the uncor-rected distance visual acuity(UCVA),axial length(AL),spherical equivalent(SE),macular ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thicknes(mGCIPL)using slit lamp examination and optical coherence to-mography(OCT),vascular density in the macular ar-ea and the area of the avascular in the fovea using optical coherence tomography angiography(OC-TA).Changes in various indicators before and after medication were compared.RESULTS:Compared with before medication,the AL of the three groups of myopia patients increased significantly(P<0.01),the difference in low to moderate myopia group was significantly smaller than that in high myopia group.Compared with before medication,SE in-creased in all three groups of myopia patients,yet there was no statistically significant difference in the low-grade myopia group(P>0.05).The differ-ence was statistically significant between the mod-erate myopia group and the high myopia group(P<0.01).Compared with before medication,there was no change in intraocular pressure(IOP)among the three groups of myopic patients(P>0.05).After 6 months of medication,the central circle macular vessel density(cCVD)increased in the low myopia group and moderate myopia group(P<0.01),there was no statistically significant difference in the high myopia group(P>0.05).Before and after medica-tion,there was no significant difference in outer circle macular vessel density(oCVD),inner circle macular vessel density(iCVD),and whole circle macular vessel density(wCVD)among the three myopia groups(P>0.05).The increase in mGCIPL was statistically significant in the low myopia group(P<0.01),but there was no statistically significant difference in the moderate myopia and high myo-pia groups(P>0.05).There was no significant differ-ence in foveal avascular zone(FAZ)among the three myopia groups before and after medication(P>0.05).There was no correlation between CVD,AL,and SE in the three myopia groups(P>0.01).There was a low correlation between CVD and mG-CIPL in the low myopia group(r=0.442,P<0.05),there was no correlation between CVD and mGCIPL in the moderate myopia and high myopia groups(P>0.01).CONCLUSION:0.01%atropine can signifi-cantly reduce the rate of axial and refractive growth in children with low to moderate myopia,increase the density of central macular vessels,and increase the thickness of mGClPL in children with low to moderate myopia.


浙江省中西医结合医院眼科,杭州 310003,浙江



low concentration atropineganglion cell-inner plexiform layermacular blood flow den-sitymyopia

《中国临床药理学与治疗学》 2024 (003)

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