

Connotation of carbon sink in soil and water conservation and its calculation method


水土保持深刻改变着地表覆被和结构、土地利用方式和陆地生态系统结构等,是增强陆地碳汇能力的重要途径.以水土保持林草、工程和耕作措施为切入点,按照"机理阐述—模型构建—分类测算"的总体思路,阐明水土保持碳汇内涵,明确了水土保持碳汇途径,构建水土保持碳汇测算方法,估算全国水土保持碳汇量.结果表明:水土保持具有垂向碳增汇、横向保土固碳(减少侵蚀土壤横向输移导致的碳流失)与减蚀减碳(避免碳排放)的多重功能.2021年,全国现存水土保持措施垂向碳增汇总量为1.54亿t,对陆域碳汇的贡献约43.5%~56.5%,其中林草措施植被和土壤碳汇量超过95%.水土保持保土固碳作用显著,2021年全国水土保持措施保土固碳总量为3 040.86万t,且具有明显的累积效应和长效作用.总体来说,2021年水土保持碳增汇(不包括水土保持林草措施植被碳汇量和土壤碳汇量)和减碳量为5 115万~6 230万t CO2,约占到全国现有陆地生态系统碳中和总量的4%~6%,这一部分尚未纳入国家碳汇核算体系,其应是实现"双碳"目标的重要环节.

[Background]Soil and water conservation profoundly changes the land cover,surface structure,land use patterns and management measures of terrestrial ecosystems,which play an important role in carbon sink.The soil and water conservation measures can not only absorb CO2 from the air through its plant and soil carbon sequestration,but also reduces or controls the lateral transport of soil carbon,thus avoiding the erosion-induced CO2 emission.However,the studies on soil and water conservation measures preventing lateral soil organic carbon transport and vertical carbon emission remains misunderstood and unquantified.[Methods]Considering the role of soil and water conservation forest and grass measures,engineering measures and tillage measures in carbon cycle,this study followed the general idea of"mechanism elaboration-model construction-calculation by classification"that clarified the implications and pathways of soil and water conservation carbon sink,and established its calculating method and the index system.In addition,this study attempted to quantify the capacity of soil and water conservation carbon sink at the scale of China based on the distribution of biomass and soil carbon pool and soil erosion rates derived from national surveys,as well as ecosystem carbon density inventories and literature database.[Results]The soil and water conservation has multiple functions such as increasing carbon sink vertically,and fixing soil carbon via soil conservation(i.e.reducing lateral soil organic carbon loss)and consequently reducing CO2 emission.In 2021,the total vertical carbon sink of existing soil and water conservation measures in China was 1.54 × 108 t,contributing about 43.5%-56.5%to terrestrial carbon sink,of which forest and grass measures accounted for over 95%through plant and soil carbon sequestration.The amount of fixed carbon via soil and water conservation measures was 3.04 × 107 t in 2021 and have obvious cumulative effect and long-term effect,which must be considered.Overall,soil and water conservation measures absorbed atmospheric CO2(excluding the contribution of forest and grass measures through its plant and soil carbon sequestration)and reduced emission of 5.12× 107-6.23 × 107 t CO2 in 2021,accounting for about 4%-6%of the total terrestrial ecosystem carbon neutral in China,but this part has not been included in the national carbon accounting system and needs great attention.[Conclusions]These findings demonstrate that adoption of soil and water conservation measures can sequester carbon in soil and biota and reduce the risks of CO2 emission by both vertical and lateral paths,which are important to achieve carbon neutrality and mitigating climate change.





fixed carbon via soil conservationcarbon sinkcarbon neutralitysoil and water conservation measureorganic carbon

《中国水土保持科学》 2024 (001)

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