

Distribution of Soil Available Zinc Content and Influencing Factors in Hanzhong City


针对汉中市农业生产中存在施肥措施不当,致使部分地方土壤微量元素养分供给能力失衡,限制了水稻、玉米等粮食作物产量的提升等问题.本研究在汉中市11个县区共采集土壤样品6142个,采用DTPA浸提-原子吸收分光光度计测定法统计分析了土壤有效锌的含量和分布.结果表明:汉中市土壤有效锌含量主要分布在0.51~1.0 mg/kg和1.01~1.5 mg/kg这2个区间,占总量的34.80%和30.80%,而有效锌含量低于1.5 mg/kg的土壤样品占总量的78.3%,即汉中市78.3%的土壤有效锌含量处于中等水平以下,47.4%的土壤有效锌含量处于低和很低的水平.水稻、玉米产区土壤有效锌平均含量为1.11 mg/kg,其中水稻耕作区为1.15 mg/kg,玉米耕作区为1.07 mg/kg.水稻耕作区土壤有效锌含量高于玉米耕作区,略高于平均值.土壤中有效锌含量与土壤pH、土壤有机质含量及土壤有效磷含量都呈现负相关.综上所述,汉中市耕作土壤有效锌总体能够满足作物生长的需求,但在部分缺锌地区,建议加强锌肥、有机肥的施用,减少土壤缺锌对作物的影响.

The aim was to solve the problem of the improper fertilization measures in agricultural production in Hanzhong City,which led to the imbalance of the supply capacity of soil trace elements in some places,and restricted the increase of rice,corn and other grain crops.In this study,6142 soil samples were collected from 11 counties and districts in Hanzhong.The content and distribution of available zinc in soil were analyzed by DTPA extraction atomic absorption spectrophotometer.The results showed that the available zinc content of soil in Hanzhong City was mainly distributed between 0.51-1.0 mg/kg and 1.01-1.5 mg/kg,accounting for 34.80%and 30.80%of the total amount.Soil samples with available zinc content less than 1.5 mg/kg accounted for 78.3%of the total amount,that is,78.3%of the available zinc content of soil in Hanzhong was below the middle level,and 47.4%of the available zinc content of soil was at a low and very low level.The average effective zinc content in the soil of rice and corn producing areas was 1.11 mg/kg,with 1.15 mg/kg in rice cultivation areas and 1.07 mg/kg in corn cultivation areas.The effective zinc content in the soil of rice cultivation areas was higher than that of corn cultivation areas,slightly higher than the average value.The content of available zinc in soil was negatively correlated with soil pH,soil organic matter and available phosphorus.To sum up,available zinc in cultivated soil in Hanzhong could generally meet the needs of crop growth,but in some zinc deficient areas,it was recommended to strengthen the application of zinc fertilizer and manure to reduce the impact of zinc deficiency in soil on crops.


陕西省汉中市农业技术推广与培训中心,陕西汉中 723000



soil available zinccontent distributioninfluencing factorsHanzhongricecorn

《农学学报》 2024 (002)

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