

Effects of Acid Regulation in Neutral Soil on Growth and Nutrient Absorption of Blueberry


为探明玉溪市中性土壤种植蓝莓的调酸方法,以'珠宝'蓝莓为对象,设计L1(蓝莓专用有机肥1 kg/株+土壤改良酸性基质10 L/株+硫磺粉100 g/株)、L2(蓝莓专用有机肥1 kg/株+土壤改良酸性基质10 L/株)、L3(泥炭10 L/株+硫磺粉100 g/株)、L4(泥炭10 L/株+硫磺粉200 g/株)、L5(土壤改良酸性基质10 L/株+硫磺粉100 g/株)、L6(土壤改良酸性基质10 L/株+硫磺粉200 g/株)6个处理,在塑料大棚内的中性土壤上研究不同调酸材料搭配对蓝莓种植根际土壤pH、蓝莓生长指标及养分吸收量的影响.结果表明,在pH 6.94的中性土壤上,不同调酸材料搭配处理对土壤pH、蓝莓生长及养分吸收量均有显著影响.收获时,根际土壤pH,L1和L6为5.05和5.00、L4和L5为5.23和5.31、L3为5.64、L2为6.25;蓝莓株高、分枝数及冠幅等生长指标,以及单株果实鲜重和枝叶鲜重均为L1>L6>L4>L5>L3>L2.因此,在中性土壤上采用L1或L6处理方法,整个生育期的根际土壤pH维持在4.28~5.05,有利于蓝莓的正常生长,可为中性土壤种植蓝莓提供有效的技术支撑.

In order to find out the acid adjusting method for growing blueberries in neutral soil in Yuxi City,six treatments were designed for'jewel'blueberries,L1(organic fertilizer for blueberries 1 kg/plant+ soil improvement of acidic substrate 10 L/plant+ sulfur powder 100 g/plant),L2(organic fertilizer for blueberries 1 kg/plant+ soil improvement of acidic substrate 10 L/plant),L3(peat 10 L/plant+ sulfur powder 100 g/plant),L4(peat 10 L/plant+ sulfur powder 200 g/plant),L5(soil improvement of acidic substrate 10 L/plant+ sulfur powder 100 g/plant),L6(soil improvement of acidic substrate 10 L/plant+ sulfur powder 200 g/plant).The effects of different acid-regulating materials on rhizosphere pH,growth index and nutrient absorption of blueberry were studied in neutral soil in greenhouse.The results showed that on the neutral soil with pH 6.94,different acid-adjusting materials had significant effects on soil pH,blueberry growth and nutrient absorption.Rhizosphere soil pH at harvest was 5.05 and 5.00 for L1 and L6,5.23 for L4 and 5.31 for L5,5.64 for L3 and 6.25 for L2.The order of growth indexes such as plant height,branch number and shade width,fresh fruit weight per plant and fresh leaf weight was L1>L6>L4>L5>L3>L2.Therefore,when L1 or L6 treatment is applied on neutral soil,the pH of rhizosphere soil during the whole growth period is maintained between 4.28 and 5.05,which is most conducive to the normal growth of blueberries.The methods provide effective technical support for planting blueberries in neutral soil.


玉溪市农业科学院,云南玉溪 653100玉溪市农业技术推广站,云南玉溪 653100玉溪市农村社会事业发展中心,云南玉溪 653100玉溪市特色作物营养工程技术研究中心,云南玉溪 653100



neutral soilacid organic materialssulfurpHblueberrynutrient absorption

《农学学报》 2024 (002)

54-59 / 6

