

Species Diversity and Distribution Pattern of Wild Ribes in Northeast China


东北地区是中国野生茶藨子属(Ribes L.)重要的分布区之一,很多资料对该区茶藨子属的记载是不全面甚至是错误的,急需对该地区野生茶藨子属的种类及分布情况进行归纳总结.通过对东北地区野生茶藨子属进行实地考察,查阅《中国植物志》《东北植物检索表》《东北维管束植物考》等志书,相关论文和植物名录,以及植物智、中国植物图像库、中国数字植物标本馆和中国珍稀濒危植物信息系统等网站,结果表明:东北地区野生茶藨子属共有6个亚属22种(含8个变种).黑龙江省野生茶藨子属种类最多,有12种2变种,吉林省有8种4变种,辽宁省有5种4变种,内蒙古自治区东部有7种2变种.东北地区野生茶藨子属主要分布于大兴安岭地区、小兴安岭地区、长白山区和辽东半岛沿岸及岛屿;东北地区该属种类和亚属的数量在水平分布上具有一致性,小兴安岭地区的野生茶藨子属无论在种数上还是在亚属的数量上都是最多的,是东北地区野生茶藨子属的现代分布中心;东北北部地区的茶藨子属以两性花类群为主,而东北南部地区多为单性花类群.该属从低海拔(≤200 m)到高海拔(1 800~2 100 m)均有分布,且多数种类集中分布于海拔300~800 m.该属特有现象十分明显,国内区域特有种多达15种(含6变种),占比68%.东北地区野生茶藨子属种类繁多、资源丰富、分布广泛且发展潜力巨大,但其生存环境面临威胁,应当密切关注其种群数量及分布区域的动态变化,以便采取措施及时予以保护.

The Northeastern region of China is one of the important distribution areas of wild Ribes,and many records of the genus in this region are incomplete or even incorrect.There is an urgent need to summarize the species and distribution of the wild Ribes in this region.Field investigation on the wild Ribes in northeast China was conducted,and the Flora of China,the northeast plants search contents,and the Northeast vascular plants survey were consulted,and related papers and electronic documents and websites were reviewed respectively.The results showed that there were six subgenus and 22 species(including eight varieties)of the wild Ribes in northeast China.Heilongjiang Province had the largest number of wild Ribes,with 12 species and two varieties,Jilin Province had eight species and four varieties,Liaoning Province had five species and four varieties,and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region had seven species and two varieties.The wild Ribes in the northeast China mainly distributed in the Greater Khingan Mountains,the Lesser Khingan Mountains,the Changbai Mountains,and the coast and islands of the Liaodong Peninsula;the number of species and subgenus of this genus in the northeast China was consistent in horizontal distribution.The wild Ribes in the Lesser Khingan Mountains had the largest number of species and subgenera,and was the modern distribution center of the wild Ribes in northeast China.The Ribes in the northern part of the northeast was dominated by hermaphroditic groups,while in the southern part of the Northeast Most of them were unisexual groups.This genus was distributed from low altitude(≤200 m)to high altitude(1 800-2 100 m),and most species were concentrated at an altitude of 300-800 m.The endemic phenomenon of this genus was very obvious.There were as many as 15 species(including six variants)endemic to domestic regions,accounting for 68%.The wild Ribes in northeast China had many species,rich resources,wide distribution and huge development potential.However,its living environment was under threat.We should pay close attention to the dynamic changes of its population and distribution area in order to take measures to protect it in time.


东北林业大学生命科学学院,哈尔滨 150040黑龙江省农业科学院乡村振兴科技研究所,哈尔滨 150028哈尔滨市林业和草原科研中心,哈尔滨 150023东北林业大学生命科学学院,哈尔滨 150040||东北亚生物多样性研究中心,哈尔滨 150040



northeast regionRibesspecies diversitydistribution pattern

《植物研究》 2024 (002)

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